What I am trying to do:
I have an .exe written in C#. Ilspy shows the code. Inside it has a class DoWork
with static field SomeValue
// Program.DoWork
public static int SomeValue => 15;
In code, however, it's not a field but a getter function:
// return 15;
IL_0000: ldc.i4.s 15
IL_0002: ret
and I want to modify this function to return 127 instead. I've found the location of the function inside .exe binary dump:
0x123456 1f 0f 2a
I've modified .exe in HxD editor so new binary dump has this:
0x123456 1f 7f 2a
When I open modified .exe with Ilspy it shows:
// Program.DoWork
public static int SomeValue => 127;
So all seems well, but it doesn't work. The modified .exe still runs as if SomeValue
is 15
- Is this a valid approach to modifying .net assembly?
- If yes, what am I missing?