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New Python snippet

I would guess that this is raw (unencoded) data and every row is consisted of two 16 bit integers stored in little-endian order. This means that

temperature = (float)(b[3] << 8 + b[2]) / 10;

where b[2] is the third byte and b[3] is the fourth.

So using the above formula, the data would yield the following temperatures:

81 00 8c 00; #Measurement 0x0081 - 14.0
82 00 aa 00; #Measurement 0x0082 - 17.0
83 00 04 01; #Measurement 0x0083 - 26.0
84 00 ff 00; #Measurement 0x0084 - 25.5
85 00 21 04; #Measurement 0x0085 - 105.7


Here is a Python snippet which does the conversion given a string with space-separated hex values:

input = "81 00 8c 00"
byte_arr = input.split(" ")

for i in range(len(byte_arr)):
    byte_arr[i] = int(byte_arr[i], 16)

measurement_id = byte_arr[1] << 8 | byte_arr[0]
temperature = (byte_arr[3] << 8 | byte_arr[2]) / 10.0
print("Measurement: %d" % measurement_id)
print("Temperature: %.2f C°" % temperature)