Questions tagged [x86-64]

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What tricks can I use to manually decompile a set of instructions

ELF Binary takes user input and stores it in loc.buffer address 0x4020e8. Further, the registers going into the instruction set are eax ebx ecx edx esi length of user input (min length is 3) 0 ...
Mr. Kelsey's user avatar
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IDA 7.0 - combine sequence of assembly instructions to a macro

I'm solving this CTF with IDA Pro 7.0. At some point there is an offset calculation by index, it simply multiply an index by 48 and write/read some data to it. The main problems are: the ...
reida's user avatar
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Unable to use CreateRemoteThread in target process

I'm trying to get a debugger attached to a malware, but it seems to pick up whenever a new remote thread is created (which makes it so I can't use Scyllahide). Even if I suspend all threads, it does ...
David's user avatar
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How to find location of environment variables in 64 bit binaries at runtime?

In the main function, program authors can choose to receive the char * array as a parameter to main that points to the environment variables int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { ... } The ...
Adam Miller's user avatar
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x86_64 Calling convention

I am slightly confused by some x86_64 linux code here (generated by llvm): # BB#0: # %entry push RBP .Ltmp21: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .Ltmp22: ....
John Nemo's user avatar
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How would I crack a software that has Xor encryption

So, before you shout at me to go on google I would just like to say I am new to reverse Engineering. Like I have been doing it for a hour. So, I was doing a bunch of using the search all ...
user42257's user avatar
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What is the outcome of mov on non bracket memory locations?

I am having problems distinguishing whether the address is loaded or the content from the address. Please help me clarify. 1. mov [rsp+78h+arg_0], rsi 2. mov rsi, cs:qword_1F39B60 3. mov [...
Sawb's user avatar
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PE32+ executable : .text segment encryption

I am working on PE segment encryption(in C++). I completed the PE32 .text segment encryption. I added stub segment to the PE that will decrypt .text segment at runtime. Used inline assembly in the ...
AcCoder's user avatar
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.00cfg section in the PE file

What's that .00cfg section that is being added by Visual Studio 2017 to PE32+ binary files (for x64 builds)? I'm assuming it stands for "Control Flow Guard" section. It is relatively small and mostly ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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Converting Assembly x64 code to C

I have the following code: 0000000000400526 <main>: 400526: 55 push rbp 400527: 48 89 e5 mov rbp,rsp 40052a: 48 83 ec 20 sub ...
Joey's user avatar
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Does the loader fill the IAT table of an .exe in load time by checking the corresponding export tables or during run time?

I came upon this question : Can we hook the Nt or Zw functions using IAT hooking, or just inline hooking? and it got me wondering, lets say for some reason some function was not in the IAT of our ...
Max's user avatar
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Is the main function's name in the symbol table of C & C++ programs always 'main'? if not, how to find the name?

So I'm trying to write a reversing tool that parses symbol table to find the main function's address right now all the binaries I'm checking the name of main function is still main in symbol table ...
Max's user avatar
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x64dbg or alternative: Run to selection while storing all ran opcodes

I'm trying to trace a function, but unfortunately that function is huge and has lots and lots of jumps to other locations, making it almost impossible to trace for humans. I know the entry point and ...
thethiny's user avatar
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how to does this instruction work: `mov qword ptr [rbp-0x30], 0x4020c5`

The following is the code snippet (shown partially) I have: q = strrchr(resolved, '/'); /* given /home/misha/docs.txt, q now pts to the last slash */ if (q != NULL) { p = q + 1; ...
R4444's user avatar
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Windows x86 compability on x64 operating system

I know some about wow64 system, in x64 windows version, and i looked up into this wow64* dlls, to see how the actual syscall transition happen, but something i can't find, and this is probably done by ...
FriedChineseDumplings's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Run PE File - (Executable) From Memory

Would be grateful for your suggestion.Trying to run a 32/64bit on (Windows 10- 64 bit /Visual studio) program which tries to run an executable from memory.This is for my learning purpose. #include &...
Chandra's user avatar
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How to get offset of specific function in exe?

Suppose I have self-compiled exe-file (aka portable executable), its source (c/c++) and generated pdb-file. And what if I want to get offset of its function (non-winapi function) in debugger (x64dbg, ...
ruakh's user avatar
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Correct my understanding on a basic allocation memory

Here is the function If I understand correctly: There is a buffer of size 256 bytes created (malloc) in this buffer, the first 32 bits are set to 0 (because dword designates 32bits size) the next 32 ...
David Labay's user avatar
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Windbg x64 setting breakpoint

My issue is all about setting the breakpoint on x64 Windbg. For x86 to combine IDA and Windbg analysis nothing is required. Just copy and paste the IDA address value and it works just fine. For ...
im_infamous's user avatar
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What is 0xCC between each functions?

First, sorry for my bad english. What I know about 0xCC instruction is a breakpoint instruction. But, when I see x64 binary, each functions are seperate by multiple 0xCC instructions. I think x64 uses ...
schnabel's user avatar
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How are __argc and __wargv globals exported from a 64-bit PE file compiled with Visual Studio?

I need to inject my code into a 64-bit process. I'm wondering, how can I access __argc and __wargv global variables once in the injected process? Are they always present at a static/preset address?
c00000fd's user avatar
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How do I denote and use JMP /5 in byte code

I'm on the OSX platform working with x86_64. I've worked out how to do near jumps with the E9 byte code directive where my relative addresses have 4 bytes (teamed up with RIP) Now I have an instance ...
Div's user avatar
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What is a "far call" in an x86 or x86_64 cpu

I do not understand the usefulness of the "far call" instruction in a 86 CPU. On a 32 bits CPU for example each process has an addressing space of 4Gb (0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF). There can ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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Garbage Assembly Code Generationat at random offsets

Recently I've been working on a project. The main purpose of the project is to generated statically undetectable PE samples. Where each time one generates a PE sample, each generated sample is going ...
rustam Shirinov's user avatar
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Difference in binary behaviour (execution/under debugger)

I was trying out a simple heap overflow example ( but replicated the relevant code in ...
localacct's user avatar
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Help understanding MOVSXD

I've tried reading the documentation but the functionality of this instruction is still cloudy to me. For an example, I would like to know what is stored in RDX after these instructions: mov edx, ...
Chase Opsahl's user avatar
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How to hide a process from all the methods of getting the list of processes?

So it seems that there are a lot of ways of getting the process list, although I'm not sure whether in the low level do they acquire them from same place or not so these are the ways i know : ...
OneAndOnly's user avatar
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Does PeID signatures work with 64-Bit Portable Executable (EXE) files?

Can the signatures from PeID be used on 64-Bit Portable Executable (EXE) files? PeID does not support 64-Bit files but I can use the signatures in another application with 64-Bit support. My main ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Getting "Flow analysis was incomplete, some code may be missing" on WinDbg

I wanted to perform static analysis on the Win32 function CreateFileW, so I loaded kernel32.dll using WinDbg and perform the command uf kernel32!CreateFileW. But I am seeing the following output ...
caramel1995's user avatar
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Finding "func main" in a stripped binary written in GO

I'm reversing a binary that was apart of a CTF I was involved in about a month ago. It was too large of a binary to do during the challenge so I am doing it now. I am having trouble finding the main ...
Chase Opsahl's user avatar
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Windbg: How to directly view GS:[0x60]

Win10x64: In Windbg, how may I view a pointer to the PEB by directly using GS:[0x60] (and not by Windbg extensions)? To test, I assembled a program via masm64 that throws an interrupt, clears r8 then ...
grepNstepN's user avatar
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Writing own custome syscall/int 0x80 on x64 system

Is there a way to write my own syscall/int 0x80 without using them? So, normally it goes like setup registers ... syscall or int 0x80 and I am interested in doing this without syscall/int 0x80 ...
re_adept's user avatar
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How to deal with msvc runtime integrity?

After any type of patching image code the app cannot properly initialize the window specifically on the user32!CreateWindowExA call. PDB file shows it's vc2010\x64\Release. I'm actually newbie in ...
Andrei Nevsky's user avatar
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Convert instructions to op code bytes in python script for IDA Pro

I need to convert into op code bytes the instructions that I have disassembled but I can't find a function that lets me do it, I've tried idc.get_bytes but it doesn't seem to work. This is my python ...
Luca's user avatar
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jump to invalid address when emulating

I am currently working on a deobfuscation tool for a Windows Driver (which is obfuscated). I am using Capstone to disassemble and Unicorn to emulate. I have run into a weird issue where the indirect ...
Ayyware's user avatar
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x64 Windows: Why is ExAllocatePool stepping on the caller's stack?

I am playing around with windbg on a 64-bit machine and noticed something interesting: nt!ExAllocatePool: ... sub rsp, 0xd0 ... mov qword ptr [rsp+0xf8], rbx Windows only allocated ...
Yolo41251263's user avatar
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Why PTRACE_POKEDATA returns I/O error?

I learning usage of ptrace. I tried following simple example but raises a I/O Error. I would like to overwrite "Hello, world" (printing string) from other process. A target program prints &...
KiYugadgeter's user avatar
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Using __kernel_vsyscall on x64 linux machine [closed]

I am trying to use __kernel_vsyscall instead of syscall/int 80 on linux x64. I have read that it can be done on Intel chips (I have one), but i can't find how can one do it. I have x32 version: int ...
re_adept's user avatar
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Error: the file can't be loaded by debugger plupin IDA PRO 64 bit

I use IDA PRO 64bits on windows 10 64 bit, I want use it remote debug a file 64bit by linux. When I run linux_serverx64 in linux and connect then i error: the file can't be loaded by debugger plupin ...
QChí Nguyễn's user avatar
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IDA API: obtain operand size prefix (x64)

I am trying to tell apart the following two instructions: 8D 02 lea eax, [rdx] // auxfix = 0x1810 67 8D 02 lea eax, [edx] // auxfix = 0x810 The only difference is in the insn_t....
bernd feinman's user avatar
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Help understanding x64 TEST instruction

I have read that TEST does a bitwise and on the two arguments. I have also read that jz and je are both equivalent, and jump if the zero flag is set. So here's the problem I'm struggling with. ...
T. Reed's user avatar
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x64 processor module

I just downloaded Ghidra last evening on a Fedora Linux machine with 4 Intel Core i5-7200U CPUs. When querying the "installed processor modules" in "Help" I get a listing of 41 processors. x86 is on ...
tavmem's user avatar
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Isolate the call to a function

Is it possible to call a function of a binary and obtain its result (without calling other functions), to isolate; are there any tools to do this?
jukebox's user avatar
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How would I find a color's memory address? (Beginner)

I'm an absolute beginner (just started learning about process memory a few hours ago). I'm trying to find the memory address for the color of Color 1 in mspaint using x64dbg. I know it's black, so I'...
Albertay's user avatar
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Figure out whether a function has return value of not?

I am doing binary analysis on x86-64bit ELF binaries. All the binaries are compiled from C language. Basically, for a given function, I would like to figure out whether this function has a return ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
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does mov DWORD PTR 32[rsp], 5 means mov DWORD PTR [rsp+32], 5?

I am learning about windows x64 calling convention, where the first four arguments are passed to registers and left arguments are passed through the stack. To see it, I checked the assembly of the ...
Mr. rc's user avatar
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why saved rip changed by push?

I am doing a reverse homework. see the following pictures: as can be seen from this picture, before call push touch3, "saved rip" is at 0x5561dca8, which is equal to the current rsp(0x5561dca8). ...
JinLing's user avatar
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Unknown parameters in custom signal handler on Linux

0x0000000008001946: mov 0xa8(%rdx),%rax 0x000000000800194d: lea 0x28(%rdx),%rsi 0x0000000008001951: lea 0x2(%rax),%rdi 0x0000000008001955: add $0xe,%rax 0x0000000008001959: ...
Omniscient Phynial Sniper's user avatar
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How to locate an specific data structure in an executable?

I need to locate an specific "struct" variable in the data section from an assembly. This structure is used for an specific System Function (Windows) "SetCommState()". I'm wondering how to locate the ...
gavioto's user avatar
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Why do I get e8 00 00 00 00 for all libc function calls?

I just started learning reverse engineering. The near call instruction (e8) is very confusing to me. It took me a while to figure out how address calculation works for local functions. Now I'm ...
Alex's user avatar
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