Questions tagged [python]

General-purpose and high-level programming language. Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming styles.

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Reversing PYARMOR (?)

I have already decompiled an .exe file and reached to a .py but it is obfuscated using PyArmor. I have already used '''' to try it, but could not figure it out how to ...
Kyogin's user avatar
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Printing all strings in a Ghidra project with python

I got the string objects from a Ghidra project using this code: l = list() def callback(s): l.append(s) ss = StringSearcher(currentProgram, 5, 1, False, True), callback, True, ...
Rex's user avatar
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Decompiling exe to python source code

I've recently tried to decompile a .exe to .py source code. It partly went well as the majority of the .pyc got translated into python code but partly also failed. Like the following part: --- This ...
Eva's user avatar
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How can I reverse this python code (obfuscated by b64, gzip and many more)

How can I Deobfuscate this python code Link to code I tried to replace eval places by print. but it won't work and output is also obfuscated Head of the code looks like this can anyone please help me
JC Rathnayake's user avatar
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Help me please decode the string (looks like gzip but it is not)

The software sends to the main server such string: \x1f\xe2\x80\xb9\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00E...\x03\x00\x00" decode_gzip(body) Later I've tried to decode it through different online ...
SKulibin's user avatar
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How to decompile python ELF file (Compiled with Nuitka)?

I have some files that compiled with nuitka. formats are .bin. I could get shell access to running process with pyrasite same as this guide. but I cannot decompile function codes or anything else, and ...
Purya's user avatar
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2 answers

convert code to python

i have snippet code that i want to convert to python to understand the types that ghidra use such *(byte *) and *(code *) and *(uchar *) etc.. the first code: void one(int param_1,int param_2) { int ...
K. John Michel's user avatar
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Twitter scraping using Python

I've been working on a project to reverse-enginner twitter's app to scrape public posts from Twitter using an unofficial API, with Python. (I want to create an "alternative" app, which is ...
TripleS's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

On reverse engineering an udp protocol to control a drone

My goal is to control my drone with my raspberry pi using python and not the app that is being delivered together with it. First I connected the app to the drone, flew and used aircrack-ng to get the ...
Pascal Widmann's user avatar
-1 votes
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Reversing a TXT obfuscated with pyArmor

Ok, so. PyArmor. Apparently, my friend used it to protect some script, except it's not a python script, it's a few TXT files. Is it possible to reverse engineer it so I can see whats in the actual TXT ...
Jack Reeve's user avatar
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How to use two commands in python -c?

I am wanting to execute python command by using python -c but it contain in string library so i need import it. While reading man i find this: when called with -c command, it executes the ...
Inc.ace's user avatar
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Need starter-help on reverse-engineering a game algorithm

I've got a dataset of about 1700 attacks in this game. A subset of the data is provided here. It consists of 9 columns: modifier Astr Aspd Adex Adef Dstr Dspd Ddex Ddef The modifier is in a range of ...
Mixy's user avatar
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How do I get the all the basic binary blocks containing a special instruction like 'CALL' or 'RET' using python in Ghidra?

I am using Ghidra to do reverse engineering of an ARM binary. I want to print the disassembly of all blocks across all functions containing a specific instruction like 'CALL' or 'RET'. How do I do ...
user35445's user avatar
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Automating binary patching in Hopper Disassembler using python

I am curious to know if anyone has done anything similar to what I am looking to achieve... I have a .ipa file (iOS application) that I load into to Hopper Disassembler. I search for a string to ...
user35324's user avatar
-1 votes
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can a stdout captured at a parameter to python script

I'm working on a CTF challenge that is find a secret password.This secret password base on the username and password that i input and the hash value had print out after hash calculation and i want to ...
y_man's user avatar
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Ghidra python - get string x-refs in a binary

In Ghidra, there is Defined Strings window, that lists all the strings in the binary and their location. I want to access the strings from Ghidra Python, and to get all the x-refs to those strings. ...
macro_controller's user avatar
2 votes
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How to reverse engineer cx_Freeze exe's?

How to reverse engineer Python scripts turned into binaries with cx_Freeze?
user14118720's user avatar
1 vote
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How to turn .pyd files generated by pyinstaller into source?

I have decompiled a pyinstaller exe and then decompiled the .pyc source inside it. only problem is the source is this import secretmodule secretmodule.main() Annoying, I know. i found secretmodule ...
user14118720's user avatar
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Decoding messages sent/received by Python websocket client

I am using the websocket module for my client in python3, and I am trying to troubleshoot some errors I am getting that lead to the client disconnecting after seemingly random intervals. When I ...
FlackOverstow's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I debug Ghidra plugin Python scripts in IDE?

I'd like to debug Ghidra plugin scripts written in python using an IDE such as Eclipse. I have installed Pydev and the GhidraDev plugin (from Ghidra open a script in Eclipse to autoinstall the plugin)...
mechgt's user avatar
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Reverse exe file compiled by pyinstaller

I am trying to get python source code from only exe file compiled by pyinstaller. I used the and got extracted folder. And then what or how should I do? Or could you explain other ...
jis0324's user avatar
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Buffer overflow: pwntools does not give me a shell, despite exploit working without pwntools

Recently, I've been trying to learn how to use the pwntools library. I am trying to exploit the following program using pwntools: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { ...
TigerThePredator's user avatar
1 vote
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Extract PYZ Error

I successfully recovered some PYC files from an ELF built by PyInstaller ( There is a PYZ archive in the dump. I ...
armor's user avatar
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Is command injection using a valid file path possible?

My question is theoretical, and not bound to python - but for the sake of simplicity, I'll use Python code snippet. Let's assume I have the following code: import os import sys if os.path.exist(sys....
macro_controller's user avatar
2 votes
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How to start out in reversing?

I'm new in reversing and I'd like a lot to learn about it. I have little to no knowledge about it. Is still worth to learn x86 Assembly? Since almost everything these days work on x64 architecture. ...
Sharki's user avatar
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Using angr/radare2 to estimate values given chunks of assembly

I'm currently using radare2 in order to construct a simple CFG, each block/node in that graph is composed of one or more assembly instructions, I wish to estimate the value of specific register or ...
Aviel Fedida's user avatar
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Python decompilation seems to return gibberish (partly)

I decompiled a pyc file with uncompyle6, and this is the result: # uncompyle6 version 3.7.3 # Python bytecode 3.6 (3379) # Decompiled from: Python 3.6.9 (default, Aug 24 2020, 10:24:35) # [GCC 9.3.0] ...
Magusviper's user avatar
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reason of padding in exploit

I was doing vulnserver bufferflow exploit. I saw a tutorial where the he makes a payload to exploit the server. Take a look at the exploit: #!/usr/bin/python import socket target_ip = "10.0.2....
lucky thandel's user avatar
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Debug dll file used in python script IDA

I am fairly new to RE on windows. I have a python script which via ctypes uses functions from a dll. I don't know if it's possible, but I would like to debug the dll used in the python script (the dll ...
 dl11's user avatar
1 vote
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Reversing PyArmor + Pyinstaller

Created an application, protected by PyArmor and used pyinstaller. I'm trying to reverse engineer it. So far I've decompiled the exe into pyc files but it's still pyarmor encrypted I can only see the ...
Cromen's user avatar
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Ghidra Python - cancel decompilation task

The way to decompile a function in Ghidra Python is: decomp = DecompInterface() decomp.openProgram(currentProgram) decompile = decomp.decompileFunction(func, 1000, monitor) However, in ...
macro_controller's user avatar
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help about methodology

I am a beginner in reverse engineering. For a challenge I need to reverse a code in python this code use enigma algorithm : To found the good configuration to decode the enigma code received. The ...
gaby developement's user avatar
3 votes
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Decompiling .pyc file to 0 byte .py file

i am doing the CTF-like challenges. One of these tasks need us to decompiling Python bytecode 3.8 (.pyc file) into py file. However, the py file that generated by pyc file is 0 byte The original file'...
FRANKfisher's user avatar
1 vote
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Ida python No module named tempo

I tried to run from ida python github , but I got error No module named tempo According to Igor Skochinsky answer , this script is wrong Apparently, tempo was an internal module used ...
paramikoooo's user avatar
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Ghidra Python - Get Decompile Line Text by RVA

Is there a way in Ghidra Python to get the corresponding decompile line by RVA? Or the opposite - get the corresponding RVA from a given line in a decompile?
macro_controller's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Ghidra Python - Get x-refs of a specific function

What is the best way to get calling x-refs for a specific function? I am aware of the following method: func = getFirstFunction() while func is not None: func_name = func.getName() if ...
macro_controller's user avatar
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GDB - Send Python output to the program after SIGINT

I am trying to learn GDB to better understand buffer overflows but I can't find an answer to my problem which is how can I send a Python-generated output to the program when the program asks for user ...
Tomik's user avatar
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Using Python 3.7 and 2.x in same IDA

I have IDA Pro 7.4 that use with Python 3.7 and I have some IDA-plugin that works only with Python 2.7. Is there any way to run that Python 2.7 based plugin?
paramikoooo's user avatar
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Decompiling Python Files: ValueError

So I have this python file and I successfully unpacked its content inside of it we have our file.pyc I appended the magic bytes to it so it went from: E3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 to ...
Jimmy Hankey's user avatar
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Python based static c analysis tools

I want to analyze some open-source C code, and I'm looking for a static analysis python library for C, preferably open-source. Any ideas/suggestions, based on your experience?
macro_controller's user avatar
3 votes
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ghidra-python: create struct with big endian field

Using ghidra's python scripting engine, I'd like to create a struct which contains a big endian, unsigned integer. This field is always big endian, no matter what the endainess of the binary CPU is. ...
bjax's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to decompile obfuscated Python code?

I have an executable file, which I am trying to decompile. I have already deduced that it was originally programmed in Python. I know that it was obfuscated with PyArmor and possibly compiled with ...
Xiddoc's user avatar
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Help to understand what's inside base64 string

While performing a file upload, a template parameter is sent together with file. Service acts differently when different parameters are passed. I need help to figure out what this parameter contains. ...
ardabada's user avatar
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Python self decryption script, as mean of obfuscation

I have a software with an embedded python interpreter. The software can open upon startup a given .py script and execute it. Let's assume that in my python environment I can't open other files, and I ...
macro_controller's user avatar
4 votes
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Ghidra Headless Analyzer - Create Functions

I'm interested in open a binary file (.bin, without arch info), and analyze it with analyzeHeadless.bat (Ghidra version without GUI). I know what is the architecture of the file, so I pass it as a ...
macro_controller's user avatar
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3 answers

How to input ascii control character into program?

I am working on a CTF where I need to pass an address as input to a program. This address contains the value 0x09 (the tab character). This is causing me problems, because it seems that bash is ...
Soren Holm's user avatar
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How to reverse a Cython shared object (.so)

I have a .so file (ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, dynamically linked, no section header) with an embedded Cython program. To run the program inside the .so file there is a single python3 ...
Juanan's user avatar
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How to to decompile a pyinstaller exe, back to source code?

Python versions, this method has been tried on: 3.7.5, 3.6.0, 3.5.0, 2.7.17? (I know, I'm just too desperate to get my source back.) I have problem with decompiling an exe. I kind of deleted the ...
DjArDjAr's user avatar
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Best way to protect source code of .exe program running on Python?

I am developing proprietary software that would be distributed in a form of .exe file. In order to use it, users will have to authenticate with their whitelist credentials (username + password). The ...
TimesAndPlaces's user avatar
2 votes
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Prevent Memory Inspection in a Cython program?

Cython is a great way to protect the source code of a Python program. However, memory inspection and memory reverse engineering can still be done to this Cython program. What are ways to prevent (or ...
Peter Smith's user avatar