Questions tagged [pe]

a file format for Windows executables, object code, DLLs, and more. Commonly found extensions of PE files include .exe, .dll, .ocx, .sys, and .scr.

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43 votes
3 answers

Unpacking binaries in a generic way

I find that more and more often binaries are being packed with exe protectors such as upx, aspack etc. I tried to follow a few tutorials on how to unpack them but the examples are often quite easy ...
Remko's user avatar
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42 votes
8 answers

Is there any way to decompile a .NET assembly or program?

Are there any tools available to take an already compiled .dll or .exe file that you know was compiled from C# or Visual Basic and obtain the original source code from it?
APerson's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How can one extract the appended data of a Portable Executable?

How do you reliably extract appended data in a Portable Executable?
Ange's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Patching PE File - Adding data

After opening a PE file with a disassembler, I know which instructions I have to patch. And if I have to add some data I can adjust the PE file structure manually so that it gets parsed correctly and ...
Zingaro's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why was my memory breakpoint not triggered in OllyDbg?

I am currently battling this protection on an 32-bit executable. At some point during it's runtime, the protection gets the address of DbgUiRemoteBreakin and writes a JMP to ExitProcess as an anti-...
farmdve's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why does an executable give an error when opened in $tool?

I have an executable that runs in the operating system, but when when I open it in $tool I get an error. What is going on?
Vehm Stark's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I extract *.c file hidden in an executable file (SkiFree)

I am a person interested of old games (MS DOS and 16 bit Windows only) and programming. In 2020, I saw an article about hacking SkiFree somewhere on the internet and soon as I followed the ...
Picaboo3's user avatar
40 votes
5 answers

How do you reverse engineer an EXE "compiled" with PyInstaller

Having recently watched/read a presentation given by Dave Kennedy at DEF CON 20 [PDF], I'd like to know how to decompile a Python script compiled with PyInstaller. In his presentation, he is creating ...
Mick's user avatar
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20 votes
10 answers

Determining if a file is managed code or not

How can I quickly tell if a EXE or DLL I have is managed code or not? I spent some time recently trying to disassemble a file and then later learned through some traces in the code that I could have ...
Jannu's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Checking if an .exe is actually a .jar wrapped in an .exe

Let's say I have a .jar file and wrap it into a .exe using any number of free utilities out there, like JSmooth. Would it be possible to tell, given just the .exe, if it was generated using one such ...
APerson's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

PE .rdata section contents

According to MSDN, the .rdata section of a PE should contain the debug directory and the description string. I've read elsewhere that it contains read-only program data. Dumping several files, I found ...
asdf's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How tools like PEiD find out the compiler and its version.

How tools like PEiD and CFF explorer find out the compiler and its version. I am analyzing a executable file. Which shows: Borland Delphi 3.0 But the section names .text .rsrc. Which is usually ...
Dinesh D's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to Fix a memory dump of a dll - so i dynamically reverse it using olly \ ida

I need to analyze a memory dump of a malware module, unfortunately the sample is not the original dll, but the dump of the dll from the memory. Now fixing the sections headers is fairly easy - i just ...
0xAK's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I get xrefs to class member variables in IDA?

I'm working on a decompilation of a windows PE (with its full debug symbols in a PDB) and I'm using IDA to help with it. I want to know how I can get a list of all references to a given class member ...
underthevoid's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Wierd names in import table

I'm trying to do a static analysis of a PE file to see what it does. While doing so, I stumbled upon some really wierd function names in my objdump DLL Name: msvcrt.dll vma: Hint/Ord Member-Name ...
muchwow's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Delay imported function not in export table

I've been reverse engineering a PE executable and I came across a behavior that I can't understand. The executable uses both shell32.dll and profapi.dll. I see that shell32.dll delay loads a function ...
redraga's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Detecting packed 64-bit Windows Portable Executable (EXE) files

What programs are the most useful to detect if a 64-bit PE file has been packed (main focus is on EXE files). I am not interested in the packer used I would just like to know if the file is packed or ...
Raphael's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is an SDB file?

In the abstract, I'm just wondering what an SDB file does and what role it plays. I see Radare2 is using them.. Here are some of the SDB files I have under ./libr/bin/d/dll/, what do these do? ./libr/...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is the magic number important

While checking the PE header of DLLs and EXE(s) by PEviewer, I found something called "magic number". After googling "magic number". I found that it is used to determine the file type. My question ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can WinDbg be used to troubleshoot program loading?

I have a stubborn PE file which I cannot get to load. The PE headers seem to be intact and the file even parses fine in several PE tools. I am receiving a "Invalid Win32 Application" error when I try ...
the_endian's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Hex-Rays not properly showing strings

Here's the difference between Hex_Rays and the debugger: Note that I've synchronized the views, so they are showing the same operations in both the debugger and the decompiler. I've tried Edit -> ...
unc4nny's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Benign Portable Executables [closed]

. Hello, everybody! For my scientific work I need big amount of benign PE-files(dll, exe, scr, com). An amount of 500-600 files would be great. While there are plenty of websites where you can ...
0xDEADC0DE's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Packed PE-file, where to start?

I'm new to reverse engineering, so maybe it's an easy question but not for me). I've got .exe file which is somehow packed. When I open it with IDA, I got warning that file was packed or modified, and ...
Elventian's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Garbage Assembly Code Generationat at random offsets

Recently I've been working on a project. The main purpose of the project is to generated statically undetectable PE samples. Where each time one generates a PE sample, each generated sample is going ...
rustam Shirinov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Try to parse buffer as PE with IDAPython

file_buffer = requests.get(file_url) buf_size = len(file_buffer) pe_file = pefile.PE(data=file_buffer) print("This is really a pe imphash %s." % pe_file.get_imphash()) addr = hex(id(...
BlackRussian's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Dumpbin: Correlating thunk jumps in .reloc to disassembly

I have an application that I am auditing that runs code from an imported DLL. Said DLL itself has imports. Specifically, during execution there's a point where the following is called (EIP is in said ...
grepNstepN's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to change the call-graph of a PE file without changing its real behavior and without packing it?

What i want to do is take a PE file, extract its call-graph, and then inject a junk function in it, so for example by injecting a junk function inside of it, and changing a call instruction's opcode ...
OneAndOnly's user avatar