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On Windows, when is a PTE a VAD prototype PTE (with address 0xFFFFFFFF0000) instead of a prototype-pointer PTE?

I have reviewed several sources on this PTE type, including Windows internals and the following: https://thalium....
Lewis Kelsey's user avatar
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Whats the difference between a MiNotMapped PFN entry with all 1s, and a MiNonCached PFN entry with all 0s and a 0 PteAddress?

On host (UEFI legacy mode): lkd> !pfn 0xf0 PFN 000000F0 at address FFFFFA8000002D00 flink FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF blink / share count FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF pteaddress FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ...
Lewis Kelsey's user avatar
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kd live local debugging !pte and db don't work (only shows context of the debugger for all contexts), but !vtop works

Says the PDPT and PDs of the process are at the same physcial frames (pfns) in both processes. The first process is winword.exe and the second process is calc.exe The virtual address in the first case ...
Lewis Kelsey's user avatar
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Reading the process memory yields different results

I used some code to read the process memory using the MEMORY_BASE_INFORMATION a little while back using the information provided here. However, when I list out the regions in memory, only the pages ...
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/proc/self/maps equivalent on windows

I see that inspecting /proc/self/maps on Linux machines lets me see the pages that have been mapped in. As a result I can write a program to read and parse the pages it has mapped in. How could one ...
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