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Modifying a single .class file in an obfuscated JAR

i am trying to modify a jar that is partly obfuscated (and what i want to modify is in this part). I can use Recaf, it will decompile it well and I can save modifications and export program without ...
FluffyMuffin47's user avatar
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How to deobfuscate Java application

Hi i am unable to deobfuscate the Advanced String Obfuscation Jar on tryHackMe I tried dumping the classes using a dumper javaagent deobfuscate the jar with java-deobfuscator threadtear functions ...
altsphaantm's user avatar
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Reverse Engineering Java - Deobfuscating symbols

I'm new to Java and working on cleaning up a fairly large Java .jar sample where the obfuscator has renamed symbols into invalid names. For example: import org.lib.00.0.2; public final class 90 ...
user3238415's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Dealing with heavily obfuscated Java, possibly on bytecode level

I've got a jarfile from a friend, he told me to put it thru an decompiler. So I did, but: JD-GUI basically spit out just the imports and didn't show any class data CFR dumped out stack trace on ...
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J2ME games obfuscator - Spyro and Tekken 5

While reversing some J2ME games like Spyro or Tekken 5 Mobile I have encountered a weird obfuscation where all fields, methods and classes have names like A, a, B, b, Aa, Bb etc. It's really hard to ...
westman379's user avatar
7 votes
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Why do obfuscators remove line numbers, and can I safely leave them in?

Application security engineer here. When we compile our java code, we obfuscate it using KlassMaster and have it remove line numbers (see KlassMaster docs) because of a handwavy explanation "it makes ...
Mike Ounsworth's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Any good deobfuscators for java?

So I've built an obfuscator for java source code, would anyone know if there is any good deobfuscators which i could test how well my obfuscator is? I know there are many deobfuscators out there, ...
Alan Liang's user avatar
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Java source code deobfuscator? [duplicate]

Does anyone know of any source code deobfuscator in java? I'm currently writing an obfuscator for java source code and I want to test how well I have made it with an deobfuscator.
Alan Liang's user avatar
2 votes
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Jar reversing: Can't open as zip file nor open it with common decompilers

I'm pentesting a JNLP application composed by several .jar files. I'm able to decompile with jd-gui every 3rd party library included in it, but the main .jar coded by my client. So after running JD-...
Igarr's user avatar
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Obfuscating jar already obfuscated [closed]

I'm wondering what happens if we try to run a jar through Proguard that has already been obfuscated by another obfuscator or Proguard itself? Will the obfuscated class names and methods names be ...
Nederealm's user avatar
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