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Questions tagged [math]

Abstract study of of topics such as quantity (numbers), structure, space, and change.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Reverse engineering a predictive model with lots of example inputs/outputs

I'm working on a project to approximate an existing model that generates prices for an asset given a large number of input variables. The model comes with ~1,000 unique example lines in batches of ...
JackIC155's user avatar
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Calculator shows incorrect result for 32-bit subtraction?

I was trying to argue about the operation of a routine called micros() and millis() that is used on the Arduino platform, and I ended up finding this calculator. The calculator shows a different ...
R R's user avatar
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It does not appear to be a standard CRC. Can I know this formula in reverse?

Interpreting binary protocols for older equipment. I interpreted most of the contents of the protocol, but the last error detection part seems to be in crc16 form, but it does not seem to be standard. ...
EPIS_'s user avatar
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