Questions tagged [llvm]

LLVM is a compiler infrastructure, consisting of a collection of reusable, extendable compiler technologies.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Lifting x86 machine code to LLVM IR

I would like to translate a simple x86_64 machine code into LLVM IR, which can be later analyzed. For my particular use case, I need to be able to work with just instructions and opcodes directly, and ...
jgawr's user avatar
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Calling Swift 4 methods from C

I have earlier been able to call Swift methods using a function pointer from C, and providing the appropriate arguments because the calling convention was the same. Unfortunately this no longer works....
sdsykes's user avatar
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How can i Lifting x86_64 assembly code to LLVM-IR

I'm researching of virus and I'm faced with the task of deobfuscating its virtual machine. I chose to do this through LLVM and I had a question, where can I see a simple example of lifting ...
OSPFv3's user avatar
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Is there an existing method to lift ARMv7 [iPhone] binaries to LLVM IR?

I am trying to do some blackbox analysis on a iOS ARMv7 binary. It would be interesting to apply the LLVM analysis tools to such a binary, but I don't have source code. Is there a an existing lifter ...
MrSynAckSter's user avatar
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Reverse Android native lib

I am wondering how to reverse Android native lib. Its covered with ollvm so the code is awful and I can't understand anything I can use Frida but not Frida stalker (got kicked every time trying to ...
theArt's user avatar
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