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Questions tagged [javascript]

JavaScript or JS is an interpreted computer programming language. It was originally implemented as part of web browsers.

41 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How does detect I'm in Firefox when already using Chrome's user agent

It's well known that doesn't show the microphone search icon in Firefox, probably to incentivize people to use their web browser. (They give it on, which is weird for being ...
Powereleven 's user avatar
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Yelp: getting documentId for certain operationName

Going through devtools activity for this page (reproducible for any Yelp business page), there's a reference to a GetReviewSummary GraphQL operation in a javascript file. This data shows up in the ...
alpacafondue's user avatar
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Where to start with reversing a custom JavaScript VM?

I have recently ran into the most heavy JavaScript obfuscation I've seen. It is using a custom VM to execute bytecodes. I have never dealt with such obfuscation, and I am wondering where I can start ...
MapF120's user avatar
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Tool for JavaScript deobfuscation

I'd like to reverse engineer a JavaScript program by manually renaming minimified variable, parameter and function names. However, updating my reverse-engineered code to a newer version would be very ...
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Adobe Reader JIT Pages

I use Adobe Reader XI for a little research project. I know that Adobe use SpiderMonkey as its JS engine. When opening a .pdf file that contains JS, the JS code is compiled in runtime in parts (JIT)...
kvmN00bsky's user avatar
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Javascript: Compare Control Flow (to evade anti-debug and anti-tamper traps)

When reverse engineering obfuscated javascript, it may be protected by anti-tamper mechanisms. I have a script which will work when run untouched, but cause a fatal javascript error when run in node ...
Semnodime's user avatar
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Access a XREFs with frida

I have a string which has a XREF to a func. This func changes of address at every updates of the app I am working on. So this string is the only "stable" point I can rely on to access to ...
hmngwn's user avatar
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Generating specific request cookies for a website

I have a script that autocheckouts products on a website (bot), recently the site seemed to update something and I keep getting 403 blocks(Perimeter X). My old solution was simply to rotate and brute ...
scraps's user avatar
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De-Obfuscating/unminifying a JS code [not duplicate]

I have come across a lot of similar questions on the same heading but unfortunately, none of them provided me with the intended results. I have a piece of code which, initially I am trying to ...
Supraja's user avatar
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Frida hook InsertMenuItemW

I'm trying to get information about menu items in an application. Experimentally established that InsertMenuItemW is called. Thanks to the documentation, I set the number of input parameters and wrote ...
user123's user avatar
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How to get video file URL from Twitter

I am looking how to find the video URL of a Twitter video so I can code a converter later (using nodejs or something), but I can't figure out how to do this. I saw this but it doesn't really clear ...
Komali's user avatar
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Trying to replicate encryption of an android app

I was trying to replicate/copy the encryption of an android app which uses CryptoJS with sha256 encryption as having seen in the source code of the android app. fingerprinting the app, it was built ...
hanan's user avatar
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Javascript equivalent of JEB

In case you already know, there is a full-feature decompiler for Java/Android called JEB ( Some of the most important features include the ability to rename identifiers ...
Nederealm's user avatar
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How to analyse the communication between a WebApp loaded with awesomium and the native program?

I have a Windows program that uses awesomium to display a WebApp. This WebApp communicates in some way with the client program through some native calls. I found references to window.externalHost and ...
samuirai's user avatar
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Convert string to byte array in frida js script

I am having an issue with a JavaScript script to be executed in Frida. In this case, I am intercepting an input from a function where I receive an array of bytes. I need to convert this array to a ...
VinixF's user avatar
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Deobfuscating big files

I'm trying to deobfuscate JS file, but it's to big for online services, like I just can't copy content of file, because it have ~4M symbols. All deobfuscate services proccess file in ...
Peter's user avatar
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Does anyone recognize this jQuery website plugin?

I am working on a site that was made years ago (not be me) and I need to identify a jQuery file manager plugin. This plugin shows a file manager view in a browser and allows the user to visually ...
colonelclick's user avatar
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How does one go about reverse-engineering obfuscated/minified JavaScript in a browser like you would code in an IDE?

I am trying to figure out how some minified and possible highly-obfuscated JavaScript works. There are thousands of lines spanning multiple JS files. I have had a lot of success debugging it in my ...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
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Intercepting packets from Electron App to keyboard in Linux

I have a USB keyboard which has an Electron app to set the macros on the keyboard. I unpacked the app.asar file, and the JS files seem to indicate that it is a ReactJS app, and is a minified ...
Sabyasachi Mukherjee's user avatar
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How to modify JS with mitmproxy?

I am trying to reverse engineer a heavily obfuscated web application, and I would like to modify the JS to add logging. So far, I've set up mitmproxy, but I can't figure out what the best way to edit ...
Antimony's user avatar
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How to hook eval function in node.js

As the eval() function of JavaScript is an evil, I want to hook or monkey-patch eval() function of JavaScript in node.js. I want to intercept all arguments passed in eval() function. Please guide me ...
sumit_suthar's user avatar
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Need help reversing .m4t TTML subtitles format

I am currently trying to create subtitles for some proprietary Sony software. Unfortunatly, it only recognizes Sony's own .m4t subtitles format. After some research I found that this subtitles is also ...
R A's user avatar
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How to programmatically add HTML DOM breakpoints in chromium?

I've seen from this post about Chromium DevTools that there exists the possibility to add DOM breakpoints. Given that I've a full range of elements to monitor I was trying to find a way to ...
Gabrio's user avatar
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Movies Anywhere ID?

I'm looking to automate requesting movies from different retailers on Movies Anywhere. The URL for the request is:{retailer}&id={...
Travis's user avatar
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What is the link between g-recaptcha-response one time token and deciphered audio text?

They are multiple reports of recaptcha v2 bypass. Most of the time, the explanation is neural networks services provided by Google or ɪʙᴍ. But there is something I am failing to understand : for most ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Reverse engineer StackExchange winter bash

I'm curious if it's possible to reverse engineer the hat positioning and control of the StackExchange winter bash. They offer the "show controls" checkbox, but it's still all mouse-based; when you ...
cnst's user avatar
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Where to identify and access the main object/closure in a JavaScript web app?

I want to add missing functionality to a web app's front end code JavaScript code. I can find the code in the browser's developer tools by setting breakpoints and stepping through. But in a large ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How to send and render an .html for chromecast using RAW http requests?

I am trying to RE the chrome cast protocol. I saw Koushik Dutta did RE the protocol, but didn't find any post online analyze the protocol. Moreover Google changed it a little bit since then. ...
0x90's user avatar
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Restoring the file structure from a cocos2d-x JS Android APK, post decryption?

I am currently learning how to reverse engineer an APK and have made significant progress. Here’s what I've accomplished so far: Decryption & Code Browsing: Converted the Dalvik bytecode (.dex ...
Lucy Taylor's user avatar
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how to ignore get level in priority command

I want to receive offer without priority and i want to ignore my level for that .method public final getLevel()I .registers 2 .line 1 iget v0, p0, Lcom/snappbox/offering/common/domain/...
Abolfazl jafari's user avatar
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Gerrit send js `fetch` to post a reply to a patch

With a gerrit server at http://<server>/, I want to use javascript to POST a reply to a given patch, and that reply should be from my user account. If I manually send a reply using the gerrit UI ...
beyarkay's user avatar
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How to use reverse engineering to learn how facebook send messages?

I would like to know how I can use reverse engineering technique to learn how Facebook/messenger send messages? I were analyzing my developer tools network tab, but couldn't find anything. Fiddler ...
innocent98's user avatar
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Reversing an obfuscated javascript library making heavy use of promises

I am reversing a little javascript library for my private use. This library is using promises to pass data around between different functions. This way, you cannot backtrack the function that is ...
user2276094's user avatar
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Microsoft Teams web client: how does Teams knows if a device is allowed or not

In my company I am able to use Ms Teams only inside windows but when I try from a Virtual machine (Hyper-V) running linux it says that this device is not allowed. So how can the Teams Server knows ...
Vince Ricosti's user avatar
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frida-example-agent npm run build not correct

I git clone frida-example-agent and run npm install and npm run build, but the output is wired, like below 📦 928 /agent/ 578 /agent/index.js 215 /agent/ 58 /agent/logger.js ✄ ...
re100io's user avatar
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Bypass Javascript Debug Prevention in Firefox

I've looked around, and can't find an answer for my specific question. The closest I could find was this. I'm trying to reverse engineer some suspicious Javascript, but it repeatedly calls a debugger ...
Enki's user avatar
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Confusion about if statement in disassembly

I recently got into reverse engineering applications for fun. Can someone please help me with this if statement. 140005914 75 38 JNZ LAB_14000594e 140005916 48 8b 4 MOV ...
fpena06's user avatar
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Disassembly a win Linux file

I have a file that has a compiled assembly code and being loaded into javascript code for execution. How can I “inspect” the file? I am aware of tools like immunity debugger or ollydbg but I am not ...
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Methods to alert inappropriate use of JS code

Let's say we have a JS code library that is not for sale, just internal. Of course, anyone who can access the website will be able to download that and reuse it. To avoid others to reuse that library, ...
Ivan's user avatar
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How to locate the function being applied on password

I am thinking of taking up ethical hacking as a hobby. So, I installed Burp Suite Community Edition and set it up with Firefox. I opened Instagram and tried to login with these details (just for ...
Aditya Pratap Singh's user avatar
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javascript hook comparisons

Look at this very basic javascript code: if (s=='abcd') { if (s2='cdef') { ... } } I want to hook all tests: I want to get this: (s,'==','abcd') (s2,'==','cdef') Is there a way ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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