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Likely malicous Javascript-interested in how it works

Got this interesting bit of code compressed in an email named "Install-MSOffice365-WebView-Plugin-Update-0.165.11a.exe.js" that is undoubtedly malicous, but was curious what it does and am not much of ...
Dude's user avatar
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2 votes
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Decoding Malware javascript [closed]

My .php and .js files have been attacked twice in a month with some JavaScript code. After going through this similar thread, I ran the JavaScript code posted there and found this decoding result. ...
403 Forbidden's user avatar
76 votes
9 answers

Analyzing highly obfuscated JavaScript

I was recently analyzing a web page that contained some highly obfuscated JavaScript - it's clear that the author had went through quite a bit of effort to make it as hard to understand as possible. I'...
Adam Caudill's user avatar