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Convert string to byte array in frida js script

I am having an issue with a JavaScript script to be executed in Frida. In this case, I am intercepting an input from a function where I receive an array of bytes. I need to convert this array to a ...
VinixF's user avatar
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frida-example-agent npm run build not correct

I git clone frida-example-agent and run npm install and npm run build, but the output is wired, like below 📦 928 /agent/ 578 /agent/index.js 215 /agent/ 58 /agent/logger.js ✄ ...
re100io's user avatar
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Access a XREFs with frida

I have a string which has a XREF to a func. This func changes of address at every updates of the app I am working on. So this string is the only "stable" point I can rely on to access to ...
hmngwn's user avatar
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frida hook `loc_*` or `sub_*`

Is it possible to hook a sub_... object in Frida ? I disassembled an arm64 executable, when running the app on my iPhone, I can see a lot of classes also in the disassembled executable, but I can't ...
hmngwn's user avatar
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Frida hook InsertMenuItemW

I'm trying to get information about menu items in an application. Experimentally established that InsertMenuItemW is called. Thanks to the documentation, I set the number of input parameters and wrote ...
user123's user avatar
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Load a *.dylib or *.so object into the Javascript V8 runtime?

I was reading this Frida release page and noticed it made the following reference: Short of writing the whole agent in C, one could go ahead and build a native library, and load it using Module....
sherrellbc's user avatar