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4 answers

finding sequence of opcode in binary

I have dis-assmebled binary and want to check if it contains particular sequence of opcodes(obtained from other reference binary). how to do that . i know plain byte level comparison wont work as as ...
John's user avatar
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IDA - large jump table, missing cases in analysis

I have come across the following jump table with a large amount of cases (160+). There seems to be cases missing from IDAs analysis though. For example it skips from cases 22 -> 38 -> 91, and I can ...
user3238415's user avatar
10 votes
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Static analysis data combined with dynamic analysis knowledge

What I'm doing now is placing an awful lot of comments about function variable values, global variable values as comments in my IDA database, which I find ugly after a while and obviously not a best ...
Dominik Antal's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there anyway I can iterate all the C-level statements in IDA-Pro?

I am trying to iterate all the C statement (could be very coarse-grained, it's fine) in IDA-Pro recovered assembly program. Suppose I only consider these statements: State :: = | if-else cond; |...
lllllllllllll's user avatar