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Can this method be hooked in iOS?

Here's IDA: Also, would this be written in C to show like this? In comparison to a regular method like: ListRowCell - (id)initWithStyle:(int) reuseIdentifier:(id)
abuhun's user avatar
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iOS Detect Function Hooking

I would like to find out if there's a way to detect if a C function is hooked in iOS? So for example let's say I hook SSLHandshake, OSStatus (*orig_SSLHandshake) (SSLContextRef context); OSStatus ...
d123's user avatar
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Add new subroutine using IDA for ARM binary

I am trying to recreate a patch for an ARM binary. As it shows in attached picture, I have provided the before and after sections of file. In patched file, a new subroutine is added in a cave, and ...
abuhun's user avatar
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