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How can I determine if NAND blocks are good blocks?

I'm trying to rescue some data from our hardware. On the board I have a pair of Samsung k9f4g08u0d NAND chips. Each chip has been dumped to include every block, including the spare areas. If I invert ...
PaulS's user avatar
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Dumping Flash Memory Using Bus Pirate

I'm planning on dumping and reading the flash memory of a Winbond W25Q128FV chip. I've done some research and plan on buying the following tools to achieve this: Bus Pirate 3.6a Probe Cable SOIC8 ...
Dylan Leggio's user avatar
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Dump a MX25L12845E with a bus pirate and flashrom

I just received my buspirate, I now want to dump a flash (MX25L12845E). I tried the following command: flashrom -V -p buspirate_spi:dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-AJ02XILF,spispeed=1M -r MX25L128.bin -c ...
VivienG's user avatar
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