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How can I convert the following assembly code to pseudo code?

I got the following disassembly code in IDA pro. I really find it hard to convert it into pseudo code. push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 14h mov dword ptr [ebp-14h], 1 mov dword ptr [ebp-10h], 2 mov ...
adam's user avatar
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C representation of simple assembly

I have the following very simple X86 assembly: shr cx, 1 jae short <addr> So basically, the jump will be taken if the Carry flag is not set. In the case of shr, CF will be set to the value of ...
Edu Garcia's user avatar
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Unknown comparison

I'm trying to decompile some singleplayer code for a game (C++ on X86 architecture Linux). I do this with the help of some already available source code, a file (compiled on linux) with debug ...
Neijwiert's user avatar
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Understanding x86 C main function preamble created by Visual C++

I was debugging a simple x86-64 program in Visual Studio 2010 and I noticed that the main function preamble is different from the GNU GCC compiled version of the same C program. To illustrate what I ...
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