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Questions tagged [cheat-engine]

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2 answers

How can I debug if the program closes directly?

I'm trying to debug a game and it's closing under few circumstances: When debugging (solved by hooking IsDebuggerPresent to return false when called by the game) When setting a memory/hardware ...
kuhi's user avatar
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How to read from pointer in python?

I'm using cheat engine to find a multipointer that leads to an address that has value of list of entities. I found said multipointer, but I have no clue how to read it using python.
user18735750's user avatar
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How does the Easy Victory cheat get data from another app in real time?

Easy Victory was developed in Java for Android I was very curious about how Easy Victory takes data from the game's balls and billiard cue force/velocity to calculate trajectories This is not a mod ...
Jonathan Silva's user avatar
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Is it possible for different dynamic memory addresses to share the same offset value?

I am currently using cheat engine to hack a game. I used the pointer scanner to find some pointers to the pistol ammo memory location. I then went to look for pointers to the shotgun ammo memory ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
-1 votes
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My IDA have 2 different address for same code How to change it

I am a novice for use ida pro and I do not know I change some settings that are maked left analyse address wrong.How I fix it?Thanks
moshui Z's user avatar
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Relationship between compiled bytes of jmp instruction and target memory address

I'm very new to all this, so sorry if I mess up and/or am unclear. I'm working on reverse engineering assault cube, where a lot of people start, and I'm struggling to understand how this one AOB ...
owaowabeep's user avatar
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Game Hacking Prevention - General Question

So I'm in a middle of developing an online video game for Windows and was wondering, how does games' hacking is even possible? I mean, assuming I calculate the HP and the location of every player in ...
NewGuy's user avatar
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How does Cheat Engine offset calculation work?

I have this memory address 0F58F478 and this offset 5C. I'm using memory sharp and it works perfectly when I'm adding this number. IntPtr address = _mSharp.Read<IntPtr>(0F58F478, false) + 0x5C; /...
Sharki's user avatar
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Why module address is different in Cheat Engine than in x32dbg?

Why the module address is different in Cheat Engine than in x32dbg? I'm trying to read this: My c++ attempt: #include "pch.h" #include "Functions.h" #include "offsets.h"...
Adrian Hernando Solanas's user avatar
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How can I get the correct offset from that instruction?

I have the following instructions: The registers' values in the First instruction are: RAX=0000000033307EE0 RCX=0000000000000000 The registers' values in the Second instruction are: RAX=...
Lion King's user avatar
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How can I get a value from a memory address that changes almost every millisecond?

After a lot of time, I found an address in the memory that has the target value but there is something unusual in that address! that address changes every millisecond. ScreenShot: I did a hardware ...
Lion King's user avatar
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2 answers

How does cheat engine's "dissect data structures" work?

In Cheat Engine there is function for analyse memory. The result of this analysis is types of memory bytes. I can't understand the algorithm of this analysis. How can it define that these bytes are ...
Terri Erickson's user avatar
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Two different values on a register, on the same instruction? (Cheat Engine)

My situation is that I'm trying to find the send function of an online game. I found the buffer pointer and looked what accesses to it. It was obviously an instruction, which used the buffer pointer, ...
Emre Köycü's user avatar
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A bit confusion with cheat engine function address and IDA subrutine

I have found a function with Cheat Engine that I like to show in IDA:enter image description here but the function is not present in IDA. Probably I have a bit confusion becouse I don't have ...
user3449922's user avatar
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A way to detect a anti-cheating system

I have created a DLL for DLL inject injection to add a force feedback to a GOG game. The DLL Work perfectly. I have tried to see how work the Debug in CE with this script: debugProcess() -- Attach ...
user3449922's user avatar
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How can I move an integer number into a XMM register with Cheat Engine?

First off, I need to clear out that I'm a total noob on this, and I have tried reading and understanding documentation about this assembly stuff on the internet, but almost all I found, was meant for ...
Fuzzy's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify a movss or xmm# in Assembly using Cheat Engine?

Im using cheat engine as a beginner to getting into Disassembly and Hacking, and I want to know how to modify an address/pointer (not really sure how to term it) thats using a movss [...],xmm#? ...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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How to save a binary after patching it in cheat engine?

The title asks it all tho But cheat engine will not allow you to save the patch binary so what methods can I try to save it after I patch it in cheat engine?
jayloo's user avatar
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How to find function called by instantaneous event (like mouse press for exemple)

I'm sorry if my question isn't very clear, I have trouble phrasing it so please bear with me. I was playing around with Cheat Engine lately and found myself in a situation where I needed to find what ...
user29223's user avatar
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Finding address in IDA from address found in Cheat Engine

I found a pointer's address, 0x485FE058, in Cheat Engine. However, when I load up the exe in IDA, the addresses are smaller and start from 0x00401000. I read up somewhere that this was called virtual ...
8bitMafia's user avatar
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Do all games have static base addresses for values like gold and energy?

I am currently reversing Stardew Valley and I have been trying to trace the pointers to a static base address for values like gold and energy. The problem is that I can't find any static base ...
3asssains's user avatar
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What is this assembly code, fld qword ptr code here doing? Also, how do I store my own value?

I was reverse engineering a game using cheat engine and trying to trace where my health gets reduced. Basically the health gets stored in the stack and then pops out for displaying on the screen. ...
Mugen's user avatar
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Are there any crackme sites made for cheat engine or to practice game hacking particularly?

I've checked several crack me sites and they're all on reverse engineering applications. However, I would like to practice reverse engineering by manipulating game values. The cheat engine tool ...
Mugen's user avatar
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Help with a pointer

Sorry for this stupid question. It's late here and I've been kinda stuck for a while over this so I hope someone here can answer this easily. In CheatEngine, 028FA190+374 is pointing to 028F1788. ...
Christian Handest's user avatar
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How to get rid of this error during pointer scan?

I am trying to hack health cheat for Shanghai Dragon PC Game using Cheat Engine. For that I following this video. After finding the required address, I tried to save the pointer scan address, then it ...
Sir John Fendrick's user avatar
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Do all class instances have a relative address/offset and can i make a copy of any class pointer?

I'm familiar with finding a player base pointer as-well as other values in games, and finding offsets and such. And I have applied that to some of my own code in the past. But does this practice ...
Michael Strobel's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do i find the decryption key for a encrypted text file [closed]

So context i have a game and a encrypted save file. My thoughts were how to find the decryption key in reverse engineering my game .I watched tuts but i think this topic isnt much detailed so i need ...
RiseYx Saramoso's user avatar
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multiple base addresses?

I'm quite new to reverse engineering and I'm currently trying things out on a game called Assault Cube. What I've done so far is finding offsets to my players health, ammo, name, etc.. When doing so I'...
Gee's user avatar
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Backtracing where a register gets initialized

I am currently trying to bypass a CRC check, that exists inline on many places in an application to check if memory pages in the .text section have been modified. Short explanation of the crc32 ...
Lyan's user avatar
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Need help with reverse engineering camera-related information in a video game

I've posited a similar question over on the Game Development StackExchange, but I'm going to refine it, elaborate, and piecemeal a more R.E.-specific context with the hope that someone out there has ...
dsasmblr's user avatar
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