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A multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines

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How to figure out which button I'm pressing

I'm working on an app, that I'm trying to get to work on a android device that has additional buttons. The device is called a BH95, from BATL. It has 4 side buttons(1 volume up, 1 power button, 2 ...
MartinArrJay's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to debug a DLL written in .NET/C#?

I want to reverse engineer an application written in C#. I would like to set a breakpoint at a function and observe the input passed to it during the normal course of the application's functioning.
Japjit Singh N.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to hijack a C++ DLL after it has been loaded into the memory space? How?

I have a .Net application, in which a C++ DLL is embedded as a resource into the application. When the .Net application is running, I will extract the C++ DLL to a temporary folder, and after that, ...
Graviton's user avatar
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ASCII strings not showing up in CPU in OllyDbg, but rather in dump

I'm pretty much new to the Reverse Engineering and assembly language. I've watched some videos about OllyDbg and cracking serial numbers in programs and I got interested in them and I want to learn ...
Jefferson's user avatar
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Decompress from file with crush32

I have some files *.bli, *.ilg, *.pix, etc. These files are from technical documentation LinkOne, and compressed with old C/Win32 compression library crush32.dll. information can be found here ...
Антон Родин's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Calculating offset from push instruction in exe to string in data section

So I'm looking for some guidance on this topic. If I open up my exe in a Hexeditor and go to the location where the address of the string is pushed as argument I have the following: 68 7C 9D F1 01 - ...
c0dy's user avatar
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1 answer

C# Changing method body in runtime

I am trying to change a part in a third party library, it has a bug, however, there are no fixes and source code is not available as well. At first, I tried to modify IL Opcodes directly by ...
CROSP's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to see & keep track of registers in dnSpy?

Hello I am trying to see if there is a way to see & keep track of the IP, and other registers as you would in OllyDbg or x64Dbg?
0siris's user avatar
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1 answer

What methods exist for adding new windows form controls into compiled assembly using dnSpy?

I am trying to add another button into windows form using dnSpy. Is it possible to add another? I want the end result be like this one. Any help will be highly appreciated.Thanks
Cloud Automation's user avatar
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1 answer

How to export function from exe file?

I open exe file (running on Windows) in Ida , and saw a function (for example sub_ABC) that I want to export , so I can call this function from c# code. How can I export function that I Know the name ...
g319909.nwytg.coM's user avatar
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Patching an app that updates frequently

Hello i am working with an app coded in c# which updates very often usually within 2-3 days or sometimes every 12 hours The updates are really needed for the app to work So i was wondering what can i ...
Hashim Roja's user avatar
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Re-engineering to create UML Diagrams from .NET binary assembly

What is the base way to generate UML diagrams (both class and sequence) from .NET assembly using OpenSource tools? The 200% Reflective Class Diagram Creation Tool cannot be used due on problems ...
hellboy's user avatar
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C# Hidden Method through transparent proxy object?

I'm dealing with an interesting form of obfuscation. A C# program I am reversing has a central API, let's call it "Central API". This Central API has several functions that aren't exactly defined. ...
Rob Gates's user avatar
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Can I see Stack and Heap value/addresses from this simple C# program process?

I am studying reading dumped memory image and analyzing it with volatility. I wrote this c# program and I was hoping to see the analyzed data from Volatiliy namespace CSharpEx1 { class Program ...
RollRoll's user avatar
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1 answer

Help Needed reversing a function inside a DLL [closed]

I have a broken installation of Metalogix Archive Manager (MAM). Sometimes, I need to go and retrieve attachments that this has archived when it was previously working. The original attachment name ...
Tyler Applebaum's user avatar
4 votes
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Compile C# like C++?

After reading the ins and outs of compilation differences between C# and C++ , my question is, cant we compile the C#application (or dll) with Visual Studio (or with other program), so similarly to C++...
T.Todua's user avatar
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1 answer

How to tell if a particular .NET assembly was written in C# or F#?

The motivation for this question is that I used JetBrains dotPeek to decompile an .exe written in F#, but the output project directory produced C# code. Why does decompiling an F# assembly produce C# ...
Samantha's user avatar
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1 answer

Reversing C# exe,Questions.Help

I am trying to debugging c# .NET application which receives a set of doubles and keep it as DataSeries every second. I want to rewrite its dataseries before the new data comes with my own dataset. ...
Xminer's user avatar
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1 answer

Encrypted String? [closed]

(I made a topic but I was ask'd to re-made it) Hi! I have a program and when I want to decompile/dissamble it finish and when I inspect the code everywhere where should be some filenames there are .(...
Salvadores Oklax's user avatar
2 votes
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How to deobfuscation the public class names .NET

I already try de4dot with all dlls and exe and try remove strong name and don't work. what am I doing wrong?
Luan Barbosa's user avatar
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See how classes are used in a Unity 3D game [closed]

I'm trying to understand how the procedural generation in a particular Unity 3D game works. I do not have the source code/project file, just a windows build. I've opened up a dll called Assembly-...
Ryan1729's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to edit and modify a class with ILSpy + Reflexil

In the Maxsea.SmartDesktop.dll, I want to edit and modify class b1g. There is this in : if (isCrackedResult != null && isCrackedResult.IsCracked) and I want to modify for this : if (...
GeGaX's user avatar
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1 answer

Reverse engineering of Managed C++/C# CrackMe

I'm reverse engineering the CrackMe which is written on Managed C++/C#. Arguments are "string" (email in this case) and "serial". Serial is somehow depends on string and I need to understand how. I ...
kekyc's user avatar
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Reverse code check

I'm currently only patching this code to return true, do you guys have any idea of how I could start making a generator to make valid codes? I can't understand the logic here. public static bool ...
Aman's user avatar
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1 answer

Can we decompile an .exe or .dll as %100? [closed]

Can we decompile a .exe or .dll file as 100%? Also sometimes seems some mistakes on somewhere (like mainfrm.cs) , how can we fix that? What is the best .NET decompiler? or What would you prefer? I ...
Busi's user avatar
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1 answer

Extracting embedded dlls from .NET executable

I have a .NET executable that apparently has some embedded DLLs. It's just one standalone executable. I opened this executable with JetBrains dotPeek and ILSPY, both decomiplier are showing DLL names ...
Anthony J.'s user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How to decompile a C# .exe on macOS?

It this even possible? Are there any free tools?
ttt's user avatar
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COM interface call from managed code

I have managed assembly that calls COM interface methods. I am interested in IManager interface, here is the code from NET Reflector: namespace Lib { [ComImport, CompilerGenerated, CoClass(...
igntec's user avatar
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C# Source Reverse Eng into UML Model Fragment

While almost all UML tools provide a means of obtaining the structural content of a body of source material, i.e. namespaces as: packages, Class, Interfaces, Attributes and Operations. Has anyone ...
Cavan Watson's user avatar
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Am I seeing this dll's innards correctly? [closed]

The dll in question is custom, from a retail/consumer software package that was first offered for sale in 2006/2007. I am fairly confident that it was compiled with Visual Studio .NET (2003). My ...
John O's user avatar
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Having keys and binary, how do I reverse/decrypt a stream encryption?

I would like to ask if you have any idea or approach to reverse engineer a decryption algorithm to find the opposite encryption function. I do have all required keys and fields and of course the ...
bitQUAKE's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I read the assembly instructions of a C program from C#?

I want to be able to do what an ordinary disassembler does—list the assembler instructions of an arbitrary executable—but from C#. It would consist, for instance, of finding a specific instruction ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Recover source code for C# .exe

I paid a freelancer programmer for an app to tun my clinic. He got about 95% of the project done, but then got a job elsewhere and vanished into thin air, along with my source code... So, I have a ...
Raul Morales's user avatar
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Field that is never assigned? [closed]

I am reversing a DLL insied a Unity game with .NET Reflector, and I found some weird fields. They are never assinged, there was no item under the Assigned by while there were some items under the Used ...
Ris's user avatar
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Issue decompiling c# method

I'm trying to decompile a c# dll and on a particular method I'm getting this result public IEnumerable<Guid> GetDbIdentifiers(int classId) { switch ((794999935 == 794999935) ? 1 : 0) { ...
rbasniak's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to reverse assembly code of a game so i can write to memory

First of all, i want to say that this is not to be used for cheating in online games, or give me an advantage over other players, it is striclty for learning purposes, and games are fun. I have in a ...
Dan-Levi Tømta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Question of analysing function of DLL and write program to call it [closed]

I have a customized DLL in a large software. The DLL compress/decompress image files. I need to use the DLL separately to get my important images back to decompressed version. I can see its function ...
xken629's user avatar
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Can I extract .txt files from .exe if I know their addresses?

I have disassembled the exe in IDA 6.1 and I think I found a hand full of text files and was wondering how to go about dialing into the addresses and extracting the data. Here is what I found I know ...
William Henson's user avatar
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Malware checks for hwid

Recently, I received malware executable to analyse - it's written in C#, and it's packed/obfuscated with unknown tool, so I started analysis from analysing it's traffic - what it's sending and ...
encoree1337's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Modify code with ILSpy

I want to modify an exe a little bit. With ILSpy I see all the code that I need but I don't know how to modify the code. I tried "save code" on ILSpy that exports a .cs file, but when I open the .cs ...
sivlab's user avatar
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Why does calling the original function from my hook fail?

I am trying to retrieve text from another program. I used Ollydbg to find the address for the function I need to hook to get the info. I used EasyHook to inject the code below. The hook works fine ...
Player5's user avatar
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Convert assembly ADC to C#

I have this dissassembled routine from an executable but I am having troubles to translate it to C#. .text:005C9290 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= .text:...
Leandro Battochio's user avatar
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2 answers

Identifying cryptography algorithm

I have a decryption algorithm that has been pulled from an x86 binary and converted into C# code. The C# works perfectly to decrypt data, but I'd like to identify the algorithm in use, so I could (...
Xcelled's user avatar
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Cannot compile native/unmanaged method

I disassembled a C# program with ildasm and modified the il code to my needs but now when i try to assemble it back into an exe i get these errors: Cannot compile native/unmanaged method Local (...
user1365830's user avatar
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Extracting data from Filemaker application

I have an end user version of an application written in FileMaker 10 (FML10.dll) and I need the data behind the software. Anyone knows a way to extract the data? Looks like the USR file containts the ...
appl3r's user avatar
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3 votes
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IDApro subroutine analysis

I am using IDA to find out parameters of a routine in a DLL. I browsed to the routine in question and saw that IDA has automatically done that job for me and put a comment like this: ; ==============...
user6918's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Patch a Java class inside a jar using C# [closed]

Being a beginner in C# I wonder if it is possible to patch a .class file inside a .jar? Since jar files tend to act like "zip" files, the approach I think might work is to decompress the jar, patch ...
numediaweb's user avatar
11 votes
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Rename obfuscated names with .NET Reflector?

I have some obfuscated C# .NET code I want to analyze. Is it possible to rename those obfuscated symbols? So I can more easily track them? Like IDA Pro can work with renaming functions and so forth.
samuirai's user avatar
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