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Turning very complicated arithmetic and reverse engineered check into useable code in C#

so I have this problem of me not understanding how to convert this one function into useable code in C#. Problem being that I am currently hooking into a game via C# and I want to rebuild a function ...
Oliver Vedel Rasmussen's user avatar
7 votes
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Why can C# applications be reverse-compiled with variable names while C++ ones can't?

Why can programs written in C# be reverse-compiled essentially to their original form with variables names (such as dnSpy) while C++ decompilers (such as Ghidra) are unable to decode the variable ...
Polydynamical's user avatar
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How can I tell whether or not a given library method is being referenced by a consumer program statically in OOP languages?

Preface: This question is about source code reverse engineering and static analysis. Meaning, there is no built code available but I have access to the source code of the program. Imagine I'm looking ...
the_endian's user avatar
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Writing a DLL in C# vs C++? [closed]

I am trying to make a client-sided anticheat which would work similar to BattlEye or GameGuard. In order to do this, I want to create a DLL which would do the cheat verification, which then I would ...
Radu's user avatar
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Is it possible to hijack a C++ DLL after it has been loaded into the memory space? How?

I have a .Net application, in which a C++ DLL is embedded as a resource into the application. When the .Net application is running, I will extract the C++ DLL to a temporary folder, and after that, ...
Graviton's user avatar
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Compile C# like C++?

After reading the ins and outs of compilation differences between C# and C++ , my question is, cant we compile the C#application (or dll) with Visual Studio (or with other program), so similarly to C++...
T.Todua's user avatar
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