Questions tagged [binwalk]

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28 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Firmware analysis, can't find file system

I'm TV repair tech and I've found that corrupted firmware is responsible for the failure of a large portion of the TV's I work on. I came up with the idea that if I could reverse engineer the ...
Swappart's user avatar
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rooting D-link DIR-x5460 - Weird Firmware

I have a D-link DIR-X5460 and I'm trying to get a shell on it. I connected to the UART interface and tried some default passwords, but none work. I downloaded the FW from D-link's website, decrypted ...
Barakinio's user avatar
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Modify bin firmware file of an old phone

I am trying to remove/disable some system apps ( Messages, Games, Radio or Calendar ) and remove/replace the boot screen from samsung E1200y. So i start searching for the way to do that... I used HxH ...
M J's user avatar
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Blank binwalk and

I've been trying to extract a Bluetooth door lock's firmware. When I tried extracting it, I got an empty output. I then found a post which I thought would help me but when I tried using, ...
Calvin9's user avatar
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Extracting specific files from a unknown archive file format

I'm trying to extract some binary blobs from a unknown archive format. (*.pakz). I know this archive contains some .xtreme binary files that are the files I'm looking for. My goal is to extract those ...
Felipe Lira's user avatar
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binwalk gives an endless list of files

I am running binwalk -B image.bin on an 8MB firmware that I dumped from an MStar MSC313e based ip camera. The binwalk output is longer than I would expect. Could they be mostly false positives? I have ...
dotvav's user avatar
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Please help identify which type of CPU architecture is used on obscure portable media players

I am trying to reverse engineer a media player with obscure SigmaTel SoCs just for fun but I didn't find very useful information. As far as I don't know exactly what CPU architecture is used on these ...
Andy's user avatar
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Assistance with dumped firmware image

I need some assistance in reverse engineering this dumped nor flash image. binwalk yields this after norflash has been dumped (removed the flash chip, dumped it with CH341a and flashrom) DECIMAL ...
MisterZZ's user avatar
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.bin firmware Standalone Binwalk returns garbage, Binwalk -I returns something but seems corrupted. Binwalk -X returns hundreds of raw deflate streams

As the title says I have the firmware of the WAX214 wifi access point. The firmware is actively preventing me from using the full available functionality of the device so I am trying to reverse it to ...
Arimodu's user avatar
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Edit Squashfs filesystem in flash memory

I have read Flash memory and analyze with binwalk and find out Squashfs that I can extract with dd and open with unsquashfs . When I open this FS I want to add some file into this FS and edit some ...
yfr24493AzzrggAcom's user avatar
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Nokia 105(TA-1114) Firmware analysis using Binwalk

First please forgive me if a make any mistake. i am not a primarily English speaker but I will try my best. Few days ago i started to tinkering with Nokia feature phone Nokia 105(TA-1114). I get a ...
muhammad shahzaib's user avatar
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How to proceed after running binwalk on this firmware?

I'm trying to access the firmware from the .bin in this archive: So far I've used binwalk and gotten the following output: ...
the_endian's user avatar
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Possibly infected image

Long story short I'v downloaded a template for my website and instead of images it has the .html files included, and at the beginning those html files do include PNG IHDR , and they are being loaded ...
Tomas Randomas's user avatar
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Extracting firmware image from binary

I have firmware file in .bin format, but I need get firmware.img image file and Kernel uImage file for reflashing bricked device. How can I get these parts? I used Binwalk to extract content, ...
minto's user avatar
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Extracting Firmware file from Wireshark Dump

I updated a device over a firmware update software and sniffed the whole traffic with wireshark. There is a TCP Stream with ~30MB which I exported as raw data. The resulting file is Zip archived data ...
Johannes's user avatar
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Firmware RE (Beginner)

I'm trying to learn RE, and I thought I'd look at some firmware that interests me. I'm looking at the Roland TD-11 drum module firmware, which is available for download from the Roland website I ...
Odysseus's user avatar
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Windows binwalk refuses to extract files

I'm trying to reverse engineer the firmware for an AutoDrive AD-520 dashcam. The firmware is available for download here. I've installed binwalk on windows, I can get it to read the file just fine, ...
HaLo2FrEeEk's user avatar
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No false positive on binwalk

I have the same problem from my previous post but this time, I don't think it's the same culprit again as I have solved the problems. This time, I'm very sure I had extracted the firmware. On my ...
Calvin9's user avatar
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Analyzing firmware image (eCos with YAFFS)

I'm trying to apply some of the practices I learn in class and online and reverse engineer the firmware of a Chinese dash camera. I've downloaded the firmware from their website (Smart dash camera: ...
shaqed's user avatar
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Extract files of a SquashFS Filesystem

I already asked a similar question but after a deeper analysis of the filesystem I found out that I misunderstood the problem and that's why I decided to delete the old question and make a new one. I ...
Ramazuri's user avatar
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Can't install sasquatch tool

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I'm trying to install sasquatch tool (which should apply patches to the standard unsquashfs utility), but got the issue, every time build process show error in one place: ./
minto's user avatar
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Unknown Mitsubishi automotive MCUs - are these using unknown architecture?

Please help ientify the architecture (ISA) of MH8200F and MH8110F which is found almost exclusively on Mazda ECUs with L3CK, L587, L5E8, LFAR, LFFR, LFJP firmwares I've revealed that the MH8501F is ...
Andy's user avatar
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Extracting KIA care update firmware

I have a new KIA sportage NQ5 car. Now I want to enable wifi and turn on ADB so I can install custom app and use AA Wireless or Carplay wireless. Sadly, the old trick to access android setting app ...
Khánh Nguyễn Nhật's user avatar
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Hello Watch 3+ smart watch firmware extracting

I have a firmware file of Hello Watch 3+ smart watch. I want to customize this firmware. I tried binwalk but no result. I am trying reverse engineering for the first time. Can you help me? File link: ...
Eray Eser's user avatar
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Extract plain database from a large file based on binwalk results

I want to extract a plain SQL database from a file which is used by a software (CTF). The target is a file with .db extension. The file itself doesn't have a signature and file command doesn't provide ...
zbx0310's user avatar
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Extract smartwatch firmware bin file

I'm trying to extract files from a bin file that's the firmware of a smartwatch. I tried using binwalk -Mre firmware.bin but got no files, this is the result: How should I extract/modify this bin ...
Kazem Ma's user avatar
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Binwalk on flash dump yielding useless files and empty file systems

I have been investigating some routers by desoldering their nand flash and dumping them using a flash programmer. However when I use binwalk on these dumps I end up with fragments of files mixed in ...
Plasma_000's user avatar
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unsquashfs failed to read SquashFS file

I tried to unpack binary which is SquashFS system, the file is mtd partition copied from NAND device, Root filesystem (read-only). Actually its SquashFS version, modifyed/patched by vendor. binwalk ...
minto's user avatar
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