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Questions tagged [binary-analysis]

The process of gathering information about a binary file, either with static or dynamic methods.

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143 votes
2 answers

What is PLT/GOT?

From time to time, when disassembling x86 binaries, I stumble on reference to PLT and GOT, especially when calling procedures from a dynamic library. For example, when running a program in gdb: (gdb)...
perror's user avatar
  • 19.2k
94 votes
9 answers

How do I reverse-engineer .so files found in Android APKs?

I know how to reverse-engineer normal Android APKs using tools like apktool and dex2jar, but I don't know how to work with obfuscation. When I extract everything from APK, I get some Smali files (I ...
Pervy Sage's user avatar
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63 votes
8 answers

how can I diff two x86 binaries at assembly code level?

I'm looking for a tool like Beyond Compare, meld, kdiff, etc. which can be used to compare two disassembled binaries. I know that there's binary (hex) comparison, which shows difference by hex values, ...
Mellowcandle's user avatar
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62 votes
7 answers

Visualizing ELF binaries

I recently saw an older talk by Sergey Bratus and Greg Conti by the name of Voyage of the Reverser: A Visual Study of Binary Species. Are there any opensource/free tools that one could use to see ...
user avatar
56 votes
7 answers

How to know in which language/technology program (.exe) is written?

How to understand if exe/dll is written in C++/.Net/Java or in any other language. I tried to use Dependency walker but not able to get required information.
Pranit Kothari's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Tool or data for analysis of binary code to detect CPU architecture

Assuming that I have binary file with code for an unknown CPU, can I somehow detect the CPU architecture? I know that it depends mostly on the compiler, but I think that for most CPU architectures it ...
n3vermind's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

What is "overlapping instructions" obfuscation?

I analyzed some binaries in x86/x86-64 using some obfuscation tricks. One was called overlapping instructions. Can someone explain how does this obfuscation work and how to work around?
perror's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Why are GOT and PLT still present in Linux static stripped binaries?

I am looking at statically linked linux x86 stripped binary. I noticed that there are .got and .plt sections. I wonder what does a statically linked binary need got and plt sections for ? Anyone ?
daehee's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Approach to extract useful information from binary file

The purpose of this question is to gain an understanding of the concepts behind reverse engineering and to understand what approaches may be taken to extract useful information from a binary file. I'...
Light123's user avatar
  • 195
18 votes
4 answers

How to generate the call graph of a binary file?

I have a non-stripped ELF binary for which I want to create a call graph as a dot file. Is there such a tool which generates the call graph? EDIT: Is there away in addition to the conventional call ...
0x90's user avatar
  • 677
17 votes
3 answers

Parsing/Rescuing corrupted IDA database

I'm reversing an application with IDA. My VM crashed and left the IDA database in a corrupted unpacked state. The next time I tried to load it back, IDA gave me the following error message: The ...
Dominik Antal's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Decoding an unknown image format with "DREK" signature (*.drk)

There are some unknow images, which I would like to decode to RRGGBBAA format. It was a really hard work, but at the moment I can somewhat understand, that which part of the binary is responsible for ...
Iter Ator's user avatar
  • 214
16 votes
3 answers

Code Coverage - Fuzzing

I have been fuzzing Adobe Reader lately. One of the issues that I face is Code coverage. How do I determine that I have covered all the basic blocks in Adobe Reader and it's libraries. Is there any ...
john4tech's user avatar
  • 595
16 votes
2 answers

Extract SquashFS filesystem with shsq magic number

for a few days I was trying to extract the filesystem of a router firmware. Checking the image that the vendor provides I can see a SquashFS flag on it: DECIMAL HEX DESCRIPTION -----------...
Nucklear's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What are some ways to pass raw bytes to a program via the Linux terminal?

I want to pass raw bytes to a (C) program using the Linux Bash shell. I find that when I try to pass for example "\x00\xFF\xAB", the program receiving the input actually gets the ASCII character codes ...
the_endian's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What Linux software can I use to explore entropy of a file?

I've heard of tools that could be used to graph entropy of a file. Is there a graphical Linux program that I could use for this job that would let me conveniently explore which blocks of a file have ...
d33tah's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Remove code signature from a Mac binary

How can I remove the code signature from a binary so that I can patch it without the binary refusing to run afterwards? Needless to say, I'm not the original creator of the binary, nor I have the ...
alexandernst's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How do you store your data about a binary while performing analysis?

Since now, when I am analyzing a binary, I'm using a "pen and paper" method to locate the different location of the function, the different type of obfuscations, and all my discoveries. It is quite ...
perror's user avatar
  • 19.2k
13 votes
3 answers

Totally unknown file analysis approaches

I guess this is the worst case. I have a file which was initially base64 encoded. This step was easy. But now all I can see is a bunch of rubbish. No structure, nearlly a maximum of entropy, no ...
Andre's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Extracting strings from Go binaries

Is there an easy way to extract all of the strings from Go binaries that will work cross architecture? The problem with Go is that strings are stored without a null terminator, so you can't use the &...
Drxxd's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why I can not directly get the content of `.bss` section?

Test is on Linux 32bit. I use this command to get the context of .text .rodata and .data section: objdump -s -j .text elf_binary objdump -s -j .rodata elf_binary objdump -s -j .data elf_binary But ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Reverse engineer an old DOS QBasic executable

I recently decided to try my hand at reverse engineer an old DOS text based game that was coded in QBasic. I found some info online about old DOS games disassembly but mostly for Wacom compiled C/C++ ...
ricardojoaoreis's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Why do reversers nowadays reverse engineer using decompilers and not disassemblers?

I see many reverse engineering lessons and every second person does reverse engineer using Ghidra decompiler and not disassembler as both are available in the same platform. I assume that reversing ...
Ramesses II's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Extract non-extractable private key from OS X Keychain

I'm trying to extract a non-extractable private key as a .p12 file from Keychain or /usr/bin/security on Mac OS X 10.9.4. Basically, it appears that security import has a -x option to ...
cnst's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to make radare2 work for a large binary?

I compiled cpython with debugging headers and I want to perform the following analysis using radare2. The problem I encounter is that it takes forever (at least 27 hours) to perform the aaa (...
0x90's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Protect data stored in binary

Let's say I've some function(i.e. hash function), that generates value from input seed and some precomputed hash values, that are stored somewhere in binary. What are the possible approaches for: ...
see ya's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What are the main features of radare2?

Radare2 is a framework for reverse-engineering gathering several tools (see this Phrack article about radare1 to know a bit more about the framework). I would like to know if someone could point out ...
perror's user avatar
  • 19.2k
11 votes
2 answers

Which python library for parsing Linux ELF files?

I want to be able to parse 32 and 64 bit ELF files - but not create or modify them (e.g. as discussed in this thread). The ELF binaries may possibly come from embedded Linux systems, that is, the ...'s user avatar
  • 1,560
10 votes
4 answers

Control flow graph reconstruction projects

I'm looking for projects providing reconstructed Control Flow Graphs from binaries while supporting more than one platform (e.g. x86, x64, arm). For example, considering this short assembler program: ...
Nordwald's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do you can you disassemble and dump an entire binary?

It's easy to seek to a particular function and dump it's contents as Assembly language. However, I cannot find an obvious way to immediately disassemble and dump an entire binary. I want to use it ...
MrSynAckSter's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Finding the actual Thumb code in firmware

I'm planning to buy my first mechanical keyboard, a KBT Poker II, and apart from the physical characteristics of it, another thing that caught my attention is that it sports reflashable firmware! ...
FireFly's user avatar
  • 203
10 votes
1 answer

Static analysis data combined with dynamic analysis knowledge

What I'm doing now is placing an awful lot of comments about function variable values, global variable values as comments in my IDA database, which I find ugly after a while and obviously not a best ...
Dominik Antal's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Binary instrumentation with Python

I'm interested in performing (dynamic) binary instrumentation using Python to be able to analyze the binary by instructions during execution for Windows Linux Can someone suggest such tool/framework?...
PhoeniX's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to load symbols from a symbol server in Ghidra?

I've been trying to learn Ghidra by attempting to reverse the comctl32.dll system library, which has many of its functions documented. I started the de-compilation analysis in it, and after a while it ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Can I define custom enum-type to be used in Ghidra as a data type?

I'm trying to learn Ghidra. Say, if it generated the following code for loading functions from an array of function names from gpfnCommCtrlAPI: I was able to retype gpfnCommCtrlAPI into char*[14] ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Extracting a NAND flash dump with OOB data

I'm trying to extract a NAND flash dump of an old Walkman player. The dump was done by a friend and unfortunately cannot be redone because the chip was destroyed. The dump was supposed to be just user ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between BitBlaze and BAP?

BitBlaze and BAP are two platforms to perform binary analysis. And, if I understand well, they are sharing lots of common features. What are their respective main features and in what do they differ ...
perror's user avatar
  • 19.2k
9 votes
2 answers

Decoding an ancient format

It's a very interesting file format may greatly satisfies binary archaeologists. sample file Background This file format was created in 90s to archive customer created AutoCAD components library ...
8 votes
1 answer

Zte Reverse engineering config.bin file problem

I just got a Zte ZXHN F660 GPON ONT Wireless router with my optic fiber internet provided by my telecom provider. My first discovery was that the eth Lan ports are bricked wich means I can only use ...
SebastienDuval's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Reverse engineer TPMS sensor data

I'm trying to reverse engineer data received from TPMS (car tire pressure) sensors. I was able to receive and demodulate the data (433 MHz, FSK, Manchester encoding). Probable packet fields: bytes 1-...
Marki555's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

Analyzing a Revit project file

I've been messing around with Revit and trying to understand the internal data structures for its file format. I'm not particularly experienced with this type of work and the processes around reverse ...
user25105's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Import table vs Import Address Table

What's the difference between the Import Table and the Import Address Table?
Trey's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between a disassembler, debugger and decompiler?

I have heard of disassemblers like IDA and debuggers like OllyDbg but honestly, when you give both of them a binary file it gives me the assembly code. I know that the decompiler gives the source code ...
Pervy Sage's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Is there any tool to quantitatively evaluate the difference of binary?

I know some binary diff tool like VBinDiff and others. Currently I have a large number of binary, around 500. So I am looking for a binary tool to quantitatively evaluate the difference of binaries.....
lllllllllllll's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

unpack Clear spot .bin firmware update

I am trying to unpack a clear spot firmware update The firmware I am trying to reverse can be found on the download page of the vendor I have used the fwtools to unpack the firmware as described on ...
Ahmed Rhuma's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Is there any tool for decompiling raw binary files to C code for the Motorola 68000 processor series?

I have the ROM dump (.bin files) targeted for the MC68008 processor. Need to convert them into a high level source code. I have already found tools for disassmbling them into assembly code. The next ...
Vishu Mahajan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Reverse engineering Windows Defender's signature for Metasploit Framework's metsrv.dll

As a pentester for a consulting agency, it is part of our job to "evade" antivirus after gaining code execution on information systems. It is indeed necessary to prove exploitation of vulnerabilities, ...
plowsec's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Radare2 Find command line arguments and location in stack

This might have a simple solution but I can't find it anywhere. $> ./be1 11 AAAAA With gdb, finding argv[] and argc is simple: (gdb) print argv[0]@argc $7 = {0xbffff872 "be1", 0xbffff89a "11", ...
Corey's user avatar
  • 175
7 votes
1 answer

Unpack IpCam firmware - Binwalk extraction issue

I'm trying to use Binwalk to extract an IpCam bin firmware. I did it successfully for the WebUI, but I can't on the firmware itself. Hardware : Vstarcam C7824WIP Firmware : ...
Ronan's user avatar
  • 73
7 votes
1 answer

Reverse engineering Earthsiege 2 3D model format

As a personal project I've been trying to reverse engineer the art assets for the old Dynamix game Earthsiege 2 (this game has long been abandonware and was recently released for free by Hi-Rez, the ...
user45623's user avatar
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