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can I teach ghidra ARM's MSRs?

I have this instruction in the code: 00 cc 38 d5 mrs x0,sreg(0x3, 0x0, c0xc, c0xc, 0x0) putting the bytecode into disassmbler, I get: mrs x0, icc_iar1_el1 so ghidra does not recognize this ...
Shmuel Fomberg's user avatar
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ARM64 RE Questions

I have a chunk of ARM code which I am trying to make sense of. I'm new to ARM, so would appreciate some help figuring this piece out. I have added some comments to show my progress so far. My ...
BobNewby's user avatar
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WinDbg command to retrieve TTBR registers for Aarch64?

Aarch64 architecture has the following registers, that contain physical base addresses for the virtual-to-physical translation tables for different exception levels: TTBR0_EL1, TTBR1_EL1, TTBR0_EL2, ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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Function calls to unmapped memory

I'm examining an iOS framework (extracted from a dyld shared cache) and there are a lot of branch-link instructions to functions which don't exist. For example, bl #-0x50e7e04 Performing the ...
August Vrubel's user avatar
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Debug Linux Kernel ARM64

I need to extract Initramfs from the kernel. The initramfs archive itself is encrypted and located inside the kernel. I couldn't extract the key. I thought to run the kernel in Qemu, connect with the ...
Ren's user avatar
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IDA Pro could not disassemble native function properly

Looks like some obfuscation technique was applied to this piece of code (none of start opcodes were identified properly): Is it possible to produce manually more readable assembly?
AseN's user avatar
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ARM64 Stack Layout - Why 100x'A' Doesn't Crash?

I'm trying to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability in an ARM64 program from this blog. When I give as input 100*'A', and I compile the program for ARM 32 bit (without canaries), the program crashes ...
alond22's user avatar
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Objective-C stub functions on AARCH64

I'm analyzing some functions I see in Machos binaries and I see that whenever there's bl instruction to an objective-c stub function that resides in the __objc_stubs section and in that function there'...
Jorayen's user avatar
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Booting a Linux kernel ARM64 boot executable Image

I am self learning reverse engineering and working on reversing a firmware image for an unknown ioT device that's running on Zephyr. I have the firmware image (.img file), which returns 'Linux kernel ...
Mario9987's user avatar
4 votes
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How to do live debugging of ARM64 binaries on macOS with M1/M2 chips?

I'm trying to figure out why NSSavePanel fails in my SwiftUI app. I tried every possible documentation, or asking on the Swift programming forums - to no avail. I'm originally a Windows programmer, ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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Stuck decompiling ARM64 function

I am trying to figure out how this function squashes quaternion (double[4], dvar5..6 in the disassembly) data into the 2 int outputs vertexX and vertexY. As far as I can tell, it reads the raw sensor ...
duckblaster's user avatar
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Deobfuscating IOS dll file (I think arm64)

I am just starting out my journey with modding IAP files. I use dnSPY to find the offsets of the methods I want to change and then use an arm64 to hex converter to then apply these changes. I have ...
NOT Mike Oxmall epic duel's user avatar
5 votes
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Cannot find references to functions in vtables

First time doing RE work and I am working on a rather large C++ binary. In Ghidra, there are many functions that do not appear to have any meaningful references to them (unlike some functions where ...
micheal65536's user avatar
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Reinterpreting local function strings in Ghidra (ARM)

The program I'm working with has stuff like this all over: strbuf = 0x20746567; local_824 = (undefined *)0x6863616d; local_820 = (undefined *)0x20656e69; local_81c = (undefined ...
mattmunee's user avatar
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Visual Arm64 Emulator

I have an arm64 binary that I've been reversing and I've reached a point where it would be immensely useful to visually emulate / debug a section of code. I have the full binary and I can also find a ...
h0r53's user avatar
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View v0, d0 registers in Cutter (ARM64)

When reversing an ARM64 binary in Cutter 2.1, I wanted to emulate certain instructions and view the values that were computed. Cutter's emulation showed the x0-x31 registers but how do I view the v0....
localacct's user avatar
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IOS ASLR address calculation with delta offset (ARM64)

I am learning LLDB to debug ios apps, I have a jailbroken iPhone IOS 14.3 and a debugserver. Screenshot of start connect to remote process: Sections of my process(image dump sections hidenseek): ...
qazwsx135's user avatar
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how to find address in memory using ADRP and ADD (ARM64) instructions?

This part of the disassembler code takes the symbol "1" from memory to change i I need to know what address is assigned to the "x1" register, but the debugger does not work for me. ...
qazwsx135's user avatar
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how to find a string in memory having ARM instructions ARDP and LDR?

hello, I disassembled the request sent to the game server, I need to change the symbol, but I don’t know its memory address. Help me understand the ADRP and LDR instructions, I need to understand what ...
qazwsx135's user avatar
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2 answers

How Does ARM64 EOR with Shift Work?

I'm reverse engineering an ARM64 binary and I came across the following instruction 48 05 48 4A eor w8, w10, w8, lsr #1 I looked up the definition of ARM64's eor instruction here: https://...
h0r53's user avatar
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strange arm construct in objective-c application

I was reversing the objective-c application and stumbled upon an assembler construction that I don't understand: This is call of some function with SP register (+ 0x18 offset) as parameter. (Picture1)....
CABAL's user avatar
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IDA show xrefs in .pdata and nothing else

I'm debugging the Windows ARM64 version's EFI (bootaa64.efi). Using QEMU and GDB I was able to find that bootaa64.efi was stuck in one of the two functions BlKernelSp0SystemErrorHandler and ...
raspiduino's user avatar
3 votes
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Ghidra not decompiling very simple ARM64 program

I'm trying to learn how Ghidra works by using it to analyze a very simple ELF file written in Assembly, compiled on a raspberry pi 4 (ARM64) My Assembly code looks like this: .global _start _start: ...
JohnnyBoy's user avatar
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android file

I downloaded an app from Raccoon. I got these files: config.armeabi_v7a-3423.apk config.en-3423.apk config.iw-3423.apk config.xhdpi-3423....
Rony Tesler's user avatar
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Change iOS app binary file

I want to manipulate iOS binary file and change two strings in it. I used hex editor to search and change these strings. But after the binary file is uploaded and replaced with the origin app's binary ...
Hojat Sajadinia's user avatar
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Read and write to register with Frida

I have an instruction that looks like this in Ghidra: 100168ff0 e9 13 00 32 orr w9,wzr,#0x1f Using lldb I can set a breakpoint on the instruction after this, read w9 to confirm what ...
Jon's user avatar
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Ghidra : iOS Application : Mach-O binary -> Symbol files of dylib or framework are not generated

I'm performing my first reverse on a Mach-O file binary through Ghidra. My problem is that Ghidra doesn't create symbol files of the dylib/frameworks that are loaded in the project. It is really ...
Kojud's user avatar
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What do the following AARCH64 LDR and STR instructions do exactly?

The following instructions are part of a IDA's disassembly of an AARCH64 binary. While it is fairly obvious that the # represent pure numbers and the [] probably refer to the memory address referred ...
Newbie's user avatar
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What to look for in the ARM64 assembly of a Golang binary to find the list of kill signals that affect the binary execution?

I'm reverse engineering an ARM64 Golang binary built with musl and I've already detected kill -10,12,15 pid as the signals which interact with it, where 10 and 12 represent user-defined signals. I ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Format String Direct Parameter Behavior

I am investigating a format string vulnerability on arm64 (linked against musl libc), and am encountering some odd behavior while debugging the output. From the decompilation, the program has a ...
multithr3at3d's user avatar
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reversing enrichment routine

I want to know where a specific std::string comes from, find the enrichment routine in the C++ application I'm reversing. The variable I'm looking for it at @ [X21,#8], I don't fully understand the ...
James W.'s user avatar
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Mysterious ARM instruction evaluating result to be 0xfe instead of 0xff

I'm facing some issues while debugging an iOS application for educational purposes. This is an iOS application found on the App Store and has some anti-debugging capabilities built in it. Pretext: ...
Max Chee's user avatar
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Theos Tweak compilation errors [closed]

While attempting to build a Theos tweak, even a templated one created by Theos, I will encounter the following error bash: line 1: 4665 Done swift --version 4667 Broken pipe:...
localacct's user avatar
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empty .data section in AARCH64 elf binaries

My question is: Why does readelf -x .data give me empty data when ghidra does not? (0x00 repeated for section length until last element 0xFFFFFFFF). ghidra/JEB contradict me by showing that ...
user30945's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

ARMv8 (AArch64, ARM64) opcodes list

I'm sorry for such as questions where answer would seem to be easily searched in google... Some time ago I have seen table/list of ARMv8 instructions with opcodes and it was perfect, but I lost link. ...
Olvin Roght's user avatar
3 votes
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LDR specifier combination UXTW

Sorry, if this question seems stupid, but I am new in arm64 and next 2 assembly lines seriously damaged my brain: LDR W0, [X30,W0,UXTW#2] ADD X30, X30, W0,UXTW I have readed ...
Olvin Roght's user avatar
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indirect return value address

I have usercall with calling convention I do not fully understand, it returns std::string but IDA recognize it as void. I've noticed that every calle reads from x8/w8 afterwards, from wikipedia; ...
James W.'s user avatar
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