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Extracting music from APK file NOT working

just trying to extract music from a game called Mini TD 2. I extracted the folder using apktool and searched for the terms: mp3, ogg, wav, music, media, song and I didn't find any music files used in ...
Han Moe Htet's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Reverse engineering a flutter built apk

I was trying to reverse engineer an apk built with flutter. I actually feel like reversing flutter built apps did not get much reverse writeups on the community. one of the tools for the task ...
hanan's user avatar
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Cant view some classes while inspecting APK's code

I'm trying to understand how the application works. I used dex2jar utility to receive .jar file (d2j-dex2jar --force file.apk). And jd-gui to view it's classes. I'm able to view the most of them. But ...
Баранівський Вадим's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Decompiling and Recompiling APK leads to crash using Apktool

Decompiling and recompiling an apk causes it to crash. My goal is simply to insert a method into smali code that prints a stacktrace, but even decompiling and recompiling with no changes causes the ...
Sid's user avatar
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Can obfuscation be applied on certain parts?

I am newbie to this field. I am still learning from your wonderful contributions, help and guidance. I have had an app that i want to study in-depth. How the the it is constructed? What components ...
ciaha 's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
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Any ways to combine Android APK with Expansion pack file?

I want to have only one APK that contains all files and resources without having to download expansion pack every time. Is there any way to combine Android APK with Expansion pack file? My expansion ...
FreeMind's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to reverse engineer apks? [closed]

is it possible to reverse engineer an apk just to unlock hidden/unreleased features?
hanan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Invalid file path error while trying to rebuild with apktool and aapt2

I am facing an error while try to repack an apk with apkool. below is the error trace. W: error: invalid file path 'C:\Users\ccre\res\drawable2\abc_ic_search_api_material.xml'. W: error: invalid file ...
hanan's user avatar
  • 309
1 vote
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(Help) APK Decomplied unreadable .pngs

I decompiled an Android game APK to look at the source code / resources and the .pngs give me the error "It looks like we don't support this file format" when I try to view them in the Photos App. I'...
Grave AE's user avatar
1 vote
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Calling functions of a shared object (.so) extracted from an APK

Decompiling a regular Android application I noticed that its code uses some native functions. So, unpacking the (.apk) file I found the usual "lib" folder and under that a series of folders for ...
Dadex's user avatar
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(Help)Apk Decomplied unreadable files

I'm developing an android-based game for my school project. I chose an .apk to reference the visual parts. I've decompiled the .apk file I've specified. I can't view the image files I need. files ...
betova's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Android Reverse Engineering Network Traffic Stack Trace

Lets say an Android application sends out a traffic out to the server and expects a Json Response Request: https://server:port/userid=user1&token=randomstring7345 We want to replicate the ...
Curi0usM3's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

verifyError in youtube android app modification

I try to decompile youtube android application and modify it but when I build the application and install on a virtual device faced with below error: E/AndroidRuntime(1782): java.lang.VerifyError: ...
hossein abdi's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Android- hiding private keys in .so file

I am working on an application where we need to encrypt certain assets at compile time in Gradle. We then need to decrypt them with the same private key, so we are using a symmetric key system but we ...
georgetheevilman's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Smali vs Decompilation for malware detection in apk files

When it comes to reversing apk files, I understand that are mainly 2 approaches. The first involves using a decompilation engine which will try to produce java files which are more readable but can be ...
Lew Wei Hao's user avatar
1 vote
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I'm decompiling an apk file to learn how the creator designed the UI for their app. Are these layout files obfuscated?

I'm new to decompiling apps. Most of the apps I decompile aren't very popular, so obfuscation hasn't been a problem yet. I'm not entirely sure what obfuscation looks like. The current app I'm looking ...
God Usopp's user avatar
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1 vote
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Android - Analyzing complex hash algorithm

An APK I'm working on uses some sort of algorithm to generate a hash which is sent along with an HTTP request. I want to figure out how the algorithm works. Decompiling the APK to Java is of no help ...
43.52.4D.'s user avatar
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Extracting a .DAT file

I want to extract a chunk of text available in an android app. I disassembled the APK and found a .DAT file which seems to carry the text I'm looking for (the file was inside the directory res/raw/). ...
Fomo's user avatar
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recompiling android app - native method not found

Been trying at this for over a week, and I'm able to modify the needed sections, however I'm running into a major issue while trying to recompile the APK that is making the whole task atrocious. So I'...
dunless's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Error decompiling apk [closed]

Ive a problem. I am unable to decompile a game apk successfully. I am using apktool. I get many errors and but i get thw files. But then many of its smali files doesnt have a .end method in its code ...
Seedlord's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can a debug-apk be reverse engineered to make it a release-apk?

I am making a system in which the users can create Android applications. I want them to give an option to download a debug apk so that they can try it out first. After that, they have to pay for it to ...
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