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UPX anti unpacking (upx -d)

To start, I know that there is a post on this platform from 2013 that asked the same question but since it's been a while, I will ask it again. A few months back I recall to find a github repo / ...
Adrian Van den Broeck's user avatar
3 votes
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VMProtect Anti-debugging method (without WiNAPI)

First, sorry for my bad english. I'm trying to make VMProtect unpacker with unicorn emulator, but one of my sample shows me like this anti-debugging message: WTSSendMessageW: "A debugger has been ...
schnabel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to debug / analyze a Themida protected binary

Background: I have an application that has worked fine up until Windows 10 build 1511 but broke as of build 1607. It produces an access violation: STACK_TEXT: 03799f54 00f91cfa 24d1ae78 0000000f ...
Remko's user avatar
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Force debug Administrator Malware

I want to analyse a malware that do not run without administrative previliges. I know it is risky but still. How can I debug it with debugger as from entry point? Because debugger could not start ...
Parampreet Rai's user avatar
2 votes
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Invalid file path error while trying to rebuild with apktool and aapt2

I am facing an error while try to repack an apk with apkool. below is the error trace. W: error: invalid file path 'C:\Users\ccre\res\drawable2\abc_ic_search_api_material.xml'. W: error: invalid file ...
hanan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Finding OEP in a VMProtect v3.0 protected malware

I've been trying to reverse engineer a malware that has been packed with VMProtect v3.0. My first instinct was to google an automated way for this and I found a script. Unfortunately the script to ...
rustam Shirinov's user avatar
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How can I circumvent rdtsc when used as an anti-debugger technique?

I using x86dbg and am working on unpacking a target. The unpacking stub appears to be using some anti-debugging techniques - most of which I can detour with a plugin. However, there are a lot of ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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HASP implementation details [closed]

I realize this is a huge question but any insight you can provide will be much appreciated. OK, let's consider a file protected/wrapped by HASP. What's the general layout of said file? There's a HASP ...
ows's user avatar
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