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How can I analyze this code? [closed]

I wanted to analyse the code for some functionality. in my understanding the code contains a logic handling intents with extras. I want to know how these Works! and also how can I pass extras using ...
hanan's user avatar
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Force debug Administrator Malware

I want to analyse a malware that do not run without administrative previliges. I know it is risky but still. How can I debug it with debugger as from entry point? Because debugger could not start ...
Parampreet Rai's user avatar
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Android app crashes even while not edited, how can I solve it?

Installed an application from google playstore and then transferred to it my computer to apparently edit it and without any changes I made to it then I tried to install it through ADB, well the ...
hanan's user avatar
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Pe file Vmp0 vmp1 section,

I have a PE file with section vmp0 vmp1, possible protected with VMProtect. I am using local debugger in IDA pro, the program will detect the debugger and pop-up an message box and quit , I used the ...
Silicon Creature's user avatar