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How to develop an anti-debug library which allow users to debug their own programs but not the library?

I'm going to publish a library which guarded by anti-debug ,(ptrace_trackme for Linux and isDebuggerPresent for windows). The down side of this library is: users would be abled to debug their own ...
prgbenz's user avatar
  • 81
-1 votes
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How can I analyze this code? [closed]

I wanted to analyse the code for some functionality. in my understanding the code contains a logic handling intents with extras. I want to know how these Works! and also how can I pass extras using ...
hanan's user avatar
  • 309
2 votes
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Invalid file path error while trying to rebuild with apktool and aapt2

I am facing an error while try to repack an apk with apkool. below is the error trace. W: error: invalid file path 'C:\Users\ccre\res\drawable2\abc_ic_search_api_material.xml'. W: error: invalid file ...
hanan's user avatar
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