I have an app that use erlang .beam compiled files without debugging information. Someone have some tips how to decompile or reverse engineering these?
Thanks in advance
I have an app that use erlang .beam compiled files without debugging information. Someone have some tips how to decompile or reverse engineering these?
Thanks in advance
You can get low-level bytecode source of .beam file with beam_disasm:file(module_name)
It's not easy to read it and takes time to figure it out. But it's much verbose and easier to comprehend than any real hardware assembly code. You can give it a try.
For example, if you have a .beam file called "my_module.beam", open erl and type
file:write_file("/tmp/my_module_disasm", io_lib:fwrite("~p.\n", [beam_disasm:file(my_module)])).
where '/tmp/my_module_disasm' is the path where you want to save the result.