Okay, I suppose you just want to create a program that patches the already existing file, so here's how I'd do it.
First, you need the offset in the file.
That means that offset 0 is the first byte, 1 is the second, etc, as opposed to the offset + base which you see in memory.
To get that offset, right click the instruction, and go to View > Executable file
And you take the offset:
which is 0x16A7
in my case.
Once you have the offset, you must code a program to patch the program.
Here's a few ways: (I only tested the Python one, but the rest should work)
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ofstream f("file_to_patch.exe", std::ios::binary);
// seek to the desired offset
// \x74 to \xEB, for example (conditional short to unconditional short)
const char bytes[] = "\xEB";
f.write(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
FILE* f = fopen("to_patch.exe", "r+b"); // open
fseek(f, 0, 0x16A7); // seek to the offset to patch
fwrite((void*) "\xEB", 1, 1, f);
return 0;
In case you want to script it and don't wanna bother with C / C++, here's how you do it with Python:
f = open("to_patch", "r+b") # open in read/write binary
f.seek(0x16A7) # seek to the previously found offset
f.write(bytearray([0xEB])) # patch the jump
you did not patch anything to no longer compare any flag. You merely inverted the condition. Patching it tojmp
would have been the proper way.