I'm trying to use python script in Ghidra to let a plt function named as memcmp return a fix value, But i have no idea for that. like this:
.text:10006E88 89 21 00 08 lbz r9, 0xB0+var_A8(r1)
.text:10006E8C 2C 09 00 00 cmpwi r9, 0
.text:10006E90 41 82 00 88 beq loc_10006F18
.text:10006E94 38 A0 00 41 li r5, 0x41 # 'A' # n
.text:10006E98 38 81 00 08 addi r4, r1, 0xB0+var_A8 # s2
.text:10006E9C 38 61 00 4C addi r3, r1, 0xB0+var_64 # s1
.text:10006EA0 48 00 23 B1 bl memcmp
.text:10006EA4 7C 7D 1B 79 mr. r29, r3
.text:10006EA8 40 82 01 1C bne loc_10006FC4
.text:10006EAC 38 80 00 04 li r4, 4 # type
memcmp as a PLT function:
.text:10009250 # int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
.text:10009250 memcmp: # CODE XREF: sub_10002264+84↑p
.text:10009250 # sub_10002264+D4↑p
.text:10009250 # licd_public_key_hash_check+2F4↑p
.text:10009250 3D 60 10 02 lis r11, memcmp_plt@ha
.text:10009254 81 6B 00 C8 lwz r11, memcmp_plt@l(r11) # __imp_memcmp
.text:10009258 7D 69 03 A6 mtctr r11
.text:1000925C 4E 80 04 20 bctr
How to use Ghidra python script to do this automatically?