Goal: Trying to reverse encrypter to decrypter that successfully decrypts.
This is the pseudo-code of the disassembled encrypting program. There are no function calls, and I've been able to somewhat replicate this code in C.
undefined8 main(void)
int random;
time_t current_time;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
uint time_number;
uint rand_seven;
long counter;
FILE *open_flag;
size_t size_of_flag_file;
void *pointer_allocated_memory_block;
FILE *open_flag_enc;
long off_40;
off_40 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 40);
open_flag = fopen("flag","rb");
size_of_flag_file = ftell(open_flag);
pointer_allocated_memory_block = malloc(size_of_flag_file);
current_time = time(NULL);
time_number = (uint)current_time;
for (counter = 0; counter < (long)size_of_flag_file; counter = counter + 1) {
random = rand();
*(byte *)((long)pointer_allocated_memory_block + counter) = *(byte *)((long)pointer_allocated_memory_block + counter) ^ (byte)random;
rand_seven = rand();
rand_seven = rand_seven & 7;
*(byte *)((long)pointer_allocated_memory_block + counter) = *(byte *)((long)pointer_allocated_memory_block + counter) << (sbyte)rand_seven | *(byte *)((long)pointer_allocated_memory_block + counter) >> 8 - (sbyte)rand_seven;
open_flag_enc = fopen("flag.enc","wb");
if (off_40 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 40)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
return 0;
This is the code that needs work: I have tried multiple iterations. If I could get some help or an overview of what I could be/am missing?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
unsigned int time_number;
size_t counter;
FILE *open_flag;
size_t size_of_flag_file;
void *pointer_allocated_memory_block;
FILE *open_flag_enc;
printf("[DEBUG] Starting program...\n");
// Open the encrypted file
printf("[DEBUG] Attempting to open encrypted file...\n");
open_flag = fopen("flag.enc", "rb");
if (open_flag == NULL) {
perror("[ERROR] Could not open file");
return 1;
printf("[LOG] Successfully opened encrypted file.\n");
// Read the RNG seed from the first 4 bytes of the file
fread(&time_number, 1, 4, open_flag);
printf("[LOG] RNG Seed read: %u\n", time_number);
// Determine the size of the remaining file
fseek(open_flag, 0, SEEK_END);
size_of_flag_file = ftell(open_flag) - 4;
fseek(open_flag, 4, SEEK_SET);
printf("[LOG] Size of remaining file: %zu bytes\n", size_of_flag_file);
// Read the encrypted flag into memory
pointer_allocated_memory_block = malloc(size_of_flag_file);
fread(pointer_allocated_memory_block, 1, size_of_flag_file, open_flag);
printf("[LOG] Successfully read encrypted data into memory.\n");
// Seed RNG with the same seed
printf("[DEBUG] Seeding RNG...\n");
// Decrypt the flag
printf("[DEBUG] Starting decryption...\n");
unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)pointer_allocated_memory_block;
for (counter = 0; counter < size_of_flag_file; counter++) {
int random = rand();
int rand_seven = rand() & 7;
buffer[counter] = (buffer[counter] << (8 - rand_seven)) | (buffer[counter] >> rand_seven);
buffer[counter] ^= (unsigned char)random;
printf("[LOG] Decryption completed.\n");
// Write the decrypted flag to "flag.txt"
printf("[DEBUG] Writing decrypted flag to file...\n");
open_flag_enc = fopen("flag.txt", "wb");
fwrite(pointer_allocated_memory_block, 1, size_of_flag_file, open_flag_enc);
printf("[LOG] Successfully wrote decrypted flag to 'flag.txt'.\n");
// Free allocated memory
printf("[DEBUG] Freeing allocated memory...\n");
printf("[LOG] Program completed successfully.\n");
return 0;
Thank you for your time.
file. You're using a hard-coded seed, though. You need to read the first 4 bytes and use that as your seed instead of using a fixed value. You appear to have realized that, and then commented the code out and used a fixed seed anyway.rand
) differently from the binary's version. The validation process I outlined will let you hone in on the problem very quickly.