This is done with the code/data references related API. See the code below (not checked too much, but runs on my last project, in python):
# These imports are accessible when you run the script inside Ghidra
from ghidra.program.model.listing import CodeUnit
from ghidra.program.model.symbol import RefType
from ghidra.program.database import ProgramDB
from ghidra.program.flatapi import FlatProgramAPI
# Mimic getting the current program (In Ghidra's Script Manager, currentProgram is globally available)
state = getState() # Assume getState() returns the current program state
currentProgram = state.getCurrentProgram()
# Define FlatProgramAPI object for more convenient function calls
flat_api = FlatProgramAPI(currentProgram)
def getReferencesFrom(address):
return flat_api.getReferencesFrom(address)
def find_data_references_from_address(source_address):
# Convert the source_address parameter to a Ghidra Address object
source_addr = currentProgram.getAddressFactory().getAddress(source_address)
# Initialize an empty list to store the referred addresses
referred_addresses = []
# Get the references from the source address
references = getReferencesFrom(source_addr)
# Loop through the references to find data references
for ref in references:
# Determine the type of the reference
ref_type = ref.getReferenceType()
# Check if it's a data reference
if ref_type.isData():
# Get the address of the code unit that is referred by the source address
to_addr = ref.getToAddress()
# Add the referred address to our list
return referred_addresses
# Example usage:
source_address = "0x11390" # Replace with the source address you're interested in
result = find_data_references_from_address(source_address)
print("Addresses referred to by {}: {}".format(source_address, result))
References to Ghidra API documentation may be found here.
Java variant of the same script with small addition that determines if it is read/write or read+write reference:
import ghidra.program.model.address.Address;
import ghidra.program.model.listing.Program;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.Reference;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.ReferenceManager;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.RefType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class FindDataReferences extends GhidraScript {
public List<String> findDataReferencesFromAddress(Program program, String sourceAddress) throws Exception {
List<String> referredAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
Address sourceAddr = program.getAddressFactory().getAddress(sourceAddress);
ReferenceManager refManager = program.getReferenceManager();
Reference[] references = refManager.getReferencesFrom(sourceAddr);
for (Reference ref : references) {
RefType refType = ref.getReferenceType();
String typeDescription = "";
if (refType.isRead() && refType.isWrite()) {
typeDescription = "read/write";
} else if (refType.isRead()) {
typeDescription = "read";
} else if (refType.isWrite()) {
typeDescription = "write";
if (!typeDescription.isEmpty()) {
Address toAddr = ref.getToAddress();
referredAddresses.add(String.format("%s (%s)", toAddr.toString(), typeDescription));
return referredAddresses;
public void run() throws Exception {
String sourceAddress = "0x113e8"; // Replace this with your source address
List<String> result = findDataReferencesFromAddress(currentProgram, sourceAddress);
println("Addresses referred to by " + sourceAddress + ": " + result);