I am trying to reverse engineer a Mickey Mouse toy just for fun but I am stuck. The toy has several buttons that play various phrases and songs. My aim was to see if I can read those songs from the eeprom as the other chip is encased in resin. I was able to read the 2mb bin file and I have tried various softwares for reverse engineering but I didn't find very useful information.
binwalk -A mickey.bin:
1581594 0x18221A ARMEB instructions, function prologue
In imHex I was only able to identify this at the start of the file:
Date: 2009-11-09Version: V06Author: A\xAAUi\x96/\x00\xD0\xFF8#
In Ghidra I was only able to find this:
// ram
// ram:00000000-ram:001fffff
undefined Reset()
undefined r0:1 <RETURN>
Reset XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
00000000 44 61 74 65 ldrbvs r6,[r4,#-0x144]!
undefined UndefinedInstruction()
undefined r0:1 <RETURN>
UndefinedInstruction XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
00000004 3a 20 32 30 eorccs r2,r2,r10, lsr r0
SupervisorCall XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
00000008 30 ?? 30h 0
00000009 39 ?? 39h 9
0000000a 2d ?? 2Dh -
0000000b 31 ?? 31h 1
undefined PrefetchAbort()
undefined r0:1 <RETURN>
PrefetchAbort XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
0000000c 31 2d 30 39 ldmdbcc r0!,{r0,r4,r5,r8,r10,r11,sp}
DataAbort XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
00000010 56 ?? 56h V
00000011 65 ?? 65h e
00000012 72 ?? 72h r
00000013 73 ?? 73h s
00000014 69 ?? 69h i
00000015 6f ?? 6Fh o
00000016 6e ?? 6Eh n
00000017 3a ?? 3Ah :
undefined IRQ()
undefined r0:1 <RETURN>
IRQ XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
00000018 20 20 20 20 eorcs r2,r0,r0, lsr #32
undefined FIQ()
undefined r0:1 <RETURN>
FIQ XREF[1]: Entry Point(*)
0000001c 20 56 30 36 ldrtcc r5,[r0],-r0,lsr #0xc
00000020 41 75 74 68 ldmdavs r4!,{r0,r6,r8,r10,r12,sp,lr}^
00000024 6f 72 3a 20 eorcss r7,r10,pc, ror #0x4
00000028 20 ?? 20h
Since I am a beginer I might have not used the reverse engineering software properly.
Here is the bin file: https://easyupload.io/3yyq4x