As far as IDA is concerned it's programmable in almost every manner thanks to the scripting engine. When it comes to renaming a subroutine in IDA it can be achieved either using idc scripts or by using idapython.
Although renaming class methods in IDA automatically can be a tough task because you have to provide much more information to IDA such as object-name, calling conventions etc. However, a more general occurrence of a subroutine can easily be renamed using idc script.
I have provided a script below which can solve this problem. Although it can be modified to extract the subroutine offset B00BA
from sub_B00BA
and rename (or rather append) to a name of your liking, but I left that approach so that this script can more flexible (i.e you can change to any name and not just SomeSubName_Offset
idc script: rename_method.idc
#include <idc.idc>
static main(void)
auto ea, fncname, fstatus=-1;
auto findsub="sub_B00BA"; // [1] Subroutine to find
auto newsubName="CMyClass__B00BA" ; // [2] New name for the subroutine
for (ea=MinEA(); ea != BADADDR; ea=NextFunction(ea))
fncname = GetFunctionName(ea);
if (fncname == findsub)
auto errcode = MakeNameEx(ea, newsubName, SN_PUBLIC|SN_CHECK|SN_NOWARN);
if (errcode)
Message("[*] disassembly/subroutine-list refreshed..ok\n");
if (fstatus == -1) // if we don't have such function in disassembly
Message("[*] subroutine:" + findsub +
" not found.\nplease check name of the subroutine/method again.\n");
Please make sure you change subroutine name at [1] and [2]. I have tested this script using IDA 6.6 and it will definitely work with IDA 7.x.