As I Commented if you are adding 0x5c to 0x0F58F478 and getting 0xf58f4d4
it is not what the memory sharp or cheat engine does
0x0xf58f4d4 is a pointer an address in the memory space
they dereference the pointer and add 0x5c to the result
your other query why adding 0 also falls under the same category adding 0 or 10 or 5c or 100 or 987 and dereferencing them will always provide the underlying value
also keep an eye on the square brackets [] means dereference
without square brackets means direct addition
as the first entry in your screen shot shows
&a = 0x0F58F478 &a = __addressof(a);
*a = 0x3454e04 *a = value of a
a + 0x5c = 0xf58f4d4 direct addition
[a] + 0x5c = 0x3454e04+0x5c == 0x3454e60 dereferenced addition
[a+ 0x5c] = [f58f4d4] = *f58f4d4 = some other value that is got by
first adding and then dereferencing
since this appears to be c# you should try reading about unsafe / boxing / unboxing etc as it appears you are not aware of pointers,memory ,dereferencing etc
here is a boxing example in powershell
PS C:\> $a = 123
PS C:\> $b = $a b contains what was in $a viz 123
PS C:\> $a = 456 a gets a new value and a new address
PS C:\> $a,$b
PS C:\>
or in c# unsafe construct
:\>dir /b
:\>type unsafe.cs
using System;
class Program
static unsafe void Main()
int var = 32;
int* p = &var;
Console.WriteLine("value is 0x{0:x}" , var);
Console.WriteLine("address is 0x{0:x}" , (int)p);
Console.WriteLine("dereferenced is 0x{0:x}" , (*p + 0x5c));
Console.WriteLine("undereferenced is 0x{0:x}" , ((int)p + 0x5c));
Console.WriteLine("somegarbage is 0x{0:x}" , *((p + 0x5c)));
:\>csc unsafe.cs /unsafe
Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version (b9fb1610)
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
value is 0x20
address is 0x4feac4
dereferenced is 0x7c
undereferenced is 0x4feb20
somegarbage is 0x0
to the0F58F478
pointer changes its value? (I've updated the post with a new image) Also, is a pointer the same that memory address?