The __fastcall convention in IDA Pro assumes that all the registers which could be used for transferring parameters are clobbered after a call (tested on x86, clobbered regs are eax
, edx
, ebx
, ecx
). I'm wondering how can I change that.
Full explanation:
I have a chunk of code (used Watcom name mangling):
cseg01:00062A6B mov edx, [ebp+tng1]
cseg01:00062A6E mov eax, [ebp+this1]
cseg01:00062A71 call W?MyMethod$_Whatever$n_x__pn$SubObject$$
cseg01:00062A76 call W?MySubMethod$_SubObject$n_pn$Thing$$_l
cseg01:00062A7B cmp eax, 0Ah
The functions are:
SubObject *__fastcall Whatever::MyMethod(Whatever *__hidden this);
int __fastcall SubObject::MySubMethod(SubObject *__hidden this, Thing *tng);
IDA Pro produces:
(v3 = Whatever::MyMethod(this1), SubObject::MySubMethod(v3, v4) < 10)
So the proper code clearly is:
(this1->MyMethod()->MySubMethod(tng1) < 10)
The problem is — IDA did not use tng1
as the 2nd argument of MySubMethod()
— instead, it defined a separate variable v4
with an unset value.
Because we use __fastcall
for both functions, first arg is passed through eax
, second by edx
. The code so happens to set the value of edx
before the first call, even though it's really an argument for the second call. IDA seem to assume that MyMethod()
overwrote (or with proper nomenclature, clobbered) the value of EDX
I tried __usercall and __userpurge, and it had no impact on the code — IDA still assumes EDX
was clobbered by the first call.
Is there a way to configure/change that behavior, making IDA know that function calls does not clobber registers?
I remember fixing it in the past, so there is a way, just can't remember what it was exactly...
Also, it would be nice to configure that on a project level instead of defining a custom calling convention for every function.
to accept two arguments (I assume it accepts one now) will do the trick. I think the main issue here is not with clobbering but with incorrectly identifying the number of arguments inmySubMethod