Is it possible to paste a series of bytes into hex view of IDA? Say I have a large buffer I need to fill with a specific value, and I have it in the form most hex editors output... 0A AB EF FF 00 01... is there some quick way to write this value to a segment of the hex view? Or do this through IDAPython?
Solved using PatchByte as suggested below:
def PatchArr(dest, str):
for i, c in enumerate(str):
idc.PatchByte(dest+i, ord(c));
# usage: patchArr(start address, string of bytes to write)
patchArr(0xCAFEBABE, "\x01\x02\x03")
Note that I am not a fan of edits to volatile debug memory causing IDA to complain about the IDB being patched post-debug...