You should rather ask your questions with some kind of example output so that answers are not based on guesswork.
Does iam loading the struct mean
- I wrote a program where I am employing OpenProcess() ReadProcessMemory()
or does it mean
- i am opening the raw file with FILE * fp ; fopen("c:\XXX","wb") fread(fp); or load it in say ollydbg or in a hexeditor
Assuming you use ReadProcessMemory
the buffer you provided will be filled with bytes. It is up to you to cast it to proper type for accessing various members of the struct
(yes you need a valid prototype of the structure beforehand).
A pseudo form could be like this
type result;
BYTE foo[0x100];
Mystruct *blah;
int s1;
PSTR s2;
result = ReadProcessMemory(where,howmuch,destination,VerifiactionPointer)
blah = (MyStruct *)destination;
s1 = blah->someint;
s2 = blah->somestring;
Memory you see will always contain hex bytes that are indistinguishable from one another. It is like clay in the hands of a potter.
Only the artisan can give it form. Clay by itself can never become a statue or a finely crafted teapot.