The disassembly at the entry point looks like this:
: ;-- entry0:
: ;-- _mainCRTStartup:
: ;-- eip:
: 0x004014e0 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
: 0x004014e3 c70598534000. mov dword [0x405398], 0 ; [0x405398:4]=0
: 0x004014ed e86e020000 call sym.___security_init_cookie
: 0x004014f2 83c40c add esp, 0xc
`=< 0x004014f5 e986fcffff jmp sym.___tmainCRTStartup
0x004014fa 90 nop
0x004014fb 90 nop
0x004014fc 90 nop
0x004014fd 90 nop
0x004014fe 90 nop
0x004014ff 90 nop
;-- ___gcc_register_frame:
0x00401500 a130304000 mov eax, dword [0x403030] ; [0x403030:4]=0
0x00401505 85c0 test eax, eax
,=< 0x00401507 7443 je 0x40154c
| 0x00401509 55 push ebp
| 0x0040150a 89e5 mov ebp, esp
| 0x0040150c 83ec18 sub esp, 0x18
| 0x0040150f c70424004040. mov dword [esp], str.libgcj_13.dll ; section..rdata
| ; [0x404000:4]=0x6762696c ; "libgcj-13.dll"
| 0x00401516 ff151c614000 call dword [sym.imp.KERNEL32.dll_GetModuleHandleA] ; 0x40611c ; "Lb" ; HMODULE GetModuleHandleA(LPCSTR lpModuleName)
When I do an af
it only finds function at entry0
. Why is it not able to find the other functions that follow? For example, the functions at 0x004014ed
, 0x00401516
applies to find functions. If I doaf @ main
it seems to find a lot more. So why not at the entry point.