Your DriverEntry isGiven In Your dt output
+0x058 DriverInit : 0xfffff80b`f90b063c long +0
The Load is Address is Available in the same output
+0x018 DriverStart : 0xfffff80b`f90b0000 Void
given these 2 the RVA to Driver Entry is 0x63c
find out what the Address Of Driver Entry is in IDA (most probably it will be 0x1063c )
subtract 10590 from 1063c == 0xac
set a breakpoint in windbg using
bp cfs!DriverEntry-0xAC
which is same as what you answered
disassembly usingradare2
[0x0001063c]> s $$-0xac
[0x00010590]> af $$
[0x00010590]> pdf $$
;-- fcn.00010590:
;-- fcn.:
/ (fcn) fcn.$$ 172
| fcn.$$ (int arg3, int arg4);
| ; arg int arg3 @ rdx
| ; arg int arg4 @ rcx
| ; DATA XREF from entry0 (0x10735)
| 0x00010590 4853 push rbx
| 0x00010592 56 push rsi
| 0x00010593 57 push rdi
| 0x00010594 4883ec20 sub rsp, 0x20
| 0x00010598 488b82b80000. mov rax, qword [rdx + 0xb8] ; [0xb8:8]=-1 ; 184 ; arg3
| 0x0001059f 488b7a18 mov rdi, qword [rdx + 0x18] ; [0x18:8]=-1 ; 24 ; arg3
| 0x000105a3 33c9 xor ecx, ecx
| 0x000105a5 894a30 mov dword [rdx + 0x30], ecx ; arg4
| 0x000105a8 48894a38 mov qword [rdx + 0x38], rcx ; arg4
| 0x000105ac 80380e cmp byte [rax], 0xe
| 0x000105af 448b4810 mov r9d, dword [rax + 0x10] ; [0x10:4]=-1 ; 16
| 0x000105b3 448b4008 mov r8d, dword [rax + 8] ; [0x8:4]=-1 ; 8
| 0x000105b7 488bda mov rbx, rdx
| 0x000105ba 8b5018 mov edx, dword [rax + 0x18] ; [0x18:4]=-1 ; 24
| ,=< 0x000105bd 7409 je 0x105c8
| | 0x000105bf c74330020000. mov dword [rbx + 0x30], 0xc0000002 ; [0xc0000002:4]=-1
| ,==< 0x000105c6 eb5e jmp 0x10626
| || ; CODE XREF from fcn.$$ (0x105bd)
| |`-> 0x000105c8 41bb442001aa mov r11d, 0xaa012044
| | 0x000105ce 8bc1 mov eax, ecx ; arg4
| | 0x000105d0 8bf1 mov esi, ecx ; arg4
| | 0x000105d2 413bd3 cmp edx, r11d
| | 0x000105d5 41ba443001aa mov r10d, 0xaa013044
| |,=< 0x000105db 740f je 0x105ec
| || 0x000105dd 413bd2 cmp edx, r10d
| ,===< 0x000105e0 7511 jne 0x105f3
| ||| 0x000105e2 b808000000 mov eax, 8
| ||| 0x000105e7 8d70fc lea esi, [rax - 4]
| ,====< 0x000105ea eb07 jmp 0x105f3
| |||| ; CODE XREF from fcn.$$ (0x105db)
| |||`-> 0x000105ec be04000000 mov esi, 4
| ||| 0x000105f1 8bc6 mov eax, esi
| ||| ; CODE XREFS from fcn.$$ (0x105e0, 0x105ea)
| ``---> 0x000105f3 443bc8 cmp r9d, eax
| |,=< 0x000105f6 7527 jne 0x1061f
| || 0x000105f8 443bc6 cmp r8d, esi
| ,===< 0x000105fb 7522 jne 0x1061f
| ||| 0x000105fd 413bd3 cmp edx, r11d
| ,====< 0x00010600 740a je 0x1060c
| |||| 0x00010602 413bd2 cmp edx, r10d
| ,=====< 0x00010605 750e jne 0x10615
| ||||| 0x00010607 488b0f mov rcx, qword [rdi]
| ,======< 0x0001060a eb02 jmp 0x1060e
| |||||| ; CODE XREF from fcn.$$ (0x10600)
| ||`----> 0x0001060c 8b0f mov ecx, dword [rdi]
| || ||| ; CODE XREF from fcn.$$ (0x1060a)
| `------> 0x0001060e e811ffffff call fcn.00010524
| | ||| 0x00010613 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
| | ||| ; CODE XREF from fcn.$$ (0x10605)
| `-----> 0x00010615 8bc6 mov eax, esi
| ||| 0x00010617 890f mov dword [rdi], ecx
| ||| 0x00010619 48894338 mov qword [rbx + 0x38], rax
| ,====< 0x0001061d eb07 jmp 0x10626
| |||| ; CODE XREFS from fcn.$$ (0x105f6, 0x105fb)
| |`-`-> 0x0001061f c743300d0000. mov dword [rbx + 0x30], 0xc000000d ; [0xc000000d:4]=-1
| | | ; CODE XREFS from fcn.$$ (0x105c6, 0x1061d)
| `-`--> 0x00010626 33d2 xor edx, edx
| 0x00010628 488bcb mov rcx, rbx
| 0x0001062b ff15dffcffff call qword sym.imp.ntoskrnl.exe_IofCompleteRequest ; [0x10310:8]=0xb2a reloc.ntoskrnl.exe_IofCompleteRequest ; "*\v"
| 0x00010631 8b4330 mov eax, dword [rbx + 0x30] ; [0x30:4]=-1 ; '0' ; 48
| 0x00010634 4883c420 add rsp, 0x20
| 0x00010638 5f pop rdi
| 0x00010639 5e pop rsi
| 0x0001063a 5b pop rbx
\ 0x0001063b c3 ret