I've been reading about the way syscalls are called in windows.
The general theme in all the articles I read is:
64bit- called inside ntdll
32bit- from ntdll jumping to KiFastSystemcall
but when I opened IDA with ntdlls from both 64 and 32 bit to verify these articles this is what I saw:
NtCreateFile proc near
mov eax, 55h ; syscall num
mov edx, offset j_Wow64Transition
call edx ; weird stub is called instead of KiFastSystemcall.
; I couldn't find anything about it.perhaps a wrapper around KiFastSystemcall?
retn 2Ch
NtCreateFile endp
NtCreateFile proc near
mov r10, rcx ; NtCreateFile
mov eax, 55h
test byte ptr ds:7FFE0308h, 1 ; some test to decide wether to use int 0x2E or syscall?
; I don't know why int 0x2E be used. I thought it causes overhead?
jnz short loc_18009CB15
int 2Eh
NtCreateFile endp
if anyone knows why the system calls are called like this I would love to know.
to summarize:
(32 bit) why is j_Wow64Transition there instead of KiFastSystemcall?
(64 bit) what is being compared and why?