Using radare2, I am reverse engineering a custom language interpreter. It stores compiled functions as a list of pointers to language primitives. I would like to seek to these locations, but typing in the hex addresses is very frustrating. I can't seem to find any syntax for saying "seek to the address stored at the current location".

E.g., say I am looking at the following in visual mode:

; UNKNOWN XREFS from entry0 @ 0x400382, 0x400384
; UNKNOWN XREF from entry0 @ +0x82
;-- section..text:
0x004000b0      .qword 0x00000000004002f3 ; aav.0x004002f3    ; [01] -r-x section size 736 named .text
0x004000b8      .qword 0x0000000000000064
0x004000c0      .qword 0x0000000000400301 ; aav.0x00400301
0x004000c8      .qword 0x000000000040032e ; aav.0x0040032e
0x004000d0      .qword 0x000000000040030c ; aav.0x0040030c
. . .

The "current location" is at 0x004000b0, and it stores the value 0x4002f3, which is where I'd like to seek. For now, I have to type g followed by reading and typing out, or selecting and pasting, the address 0x4002f3.

Is there some efficient way to say "seek to the value stored at $$"?

1 Answer 1


one can read a pointer value using * symbol
$$ is alias for current virtual seek
so *$$ will return the value stored at current seek

you can execute the command and pass the result to seek like

s `*$$`

a simple example showing how to seek to an address stored in 3rd DWORD from current seek

[0x01012d6c]> sentry0
[0x01012d6c]> x/4xw
0x01012d6c  0xfffd4be8 0x68586aff 0x01012ee8 0xff99ebe8  .K...jXh........
[0x01012d6c]> s `*$$+8`
  • Thanks! I tried that, but without the backticks. Those make a lot of difference! I can keep "`*$$`" in my paste buffer, and use g followed by ^V and ENTER. This works great!
    – Josh5tone
    Commented Feb 10, 2020 at 15:03
  • This seems to ignore if you've loaded it via an offset via -m. Commented Sep 5, 2023 at 2:15

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