I extracted the content of a NAND Flash and analyzed it with binwalk.
Binwalk showed me that the dump contains a big endian JFFS2 filesystem. My next step was extracting the files into a directory. To do so I simply used binwalk.
binwalk -Me Dump
The problem is that binwalk usually creates an other directory that should contain all the folders and files of the filesystem and this is not working.
Binwalk creates the directory but it is empty. I have Jefferson installed as well as everything that is important for it to work and I tried to do the same thing with an other Dump that I found in the internet and it worked without any problem.
Later I found out that the byte order of my CPU is little endian. I don't know if that is causing the issue and to be honest I do not know if there is a way to change the byte order of the jffs2 file to try it out. Maybe someone knows more about that.
An other thing that keeps bothering me is the fact that when I use the file command to check the jffs2 file it simply returns "data".
Again I don't know if the endianness is causing this issue. What I can tell is when I checked the other dump that I found in the internet the jffs2 fs was in little endian and binwalk could create the directory with all the files and the file command also returned "jffs2 little endian" instead of just "data".
Is it possible that the endianness is causing the issue and is there a way to change the byte order of the filesystem?