I download CurrPort program and run it on xdbg64.

I pressed File -> Changed Command line and changed the command line to:

"C:\Users\myusername\Downloads\cport\cports.exe" "/close * * 6666"

But I received an error:

Why it happens and how to solve it ?

2 Answers 2


I don't know why it happens, but let's try to debug it:

  1. Run cmd.exe, type your command to there and press Enter - if it doesn't work, a problem in wrong path/args;
  2. Run x64dbg, open your app, go to an editing command line and put there only one argument; Then go to Debug tab and press restart;
  3. Also, you can try to set cmd-line initing step, like this:

    x64_dgb "C:\FullPathTo\File.exe" parm1 parm2 -3 -4 -debug


I noticed this too, it's broke currently. Event if you pass the command line like slinkin says, only part of it will show up. I went back to an older 8/9/2019 for now and it works fine.

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