I am analyzing a dex file and to ease with reverse engineering, I converted it a jar so it could be decompiled. In the file android/support/v17/leanback/media/MediaControllerGlue.class
, the following import appears:
import android.support.v4.media.session.MediaControllerCompat;
However, this class is not defined. In fact, there is no android/support/v4/media
package in the file.
To confirm, this, I listed the referenced type in the type_ids
section of the dex file, and sure enough, the following type is present: android/support/v4/media/MediaControllerCompat
. However, when I then iterate over all entries in the class_defs
section, this class is nowhere to be found.
I am new to Android (this is actually an Amazon Firestick APK) development/reverse engineering so I'm not sure how this is possible. Is there some way of defining classes in a separate library that would exist outside of the APK?