I have stumbled upon this:
public _oret
__common:0000000100018000 _oret:
__common:0000000100018000 sub [rdi+4Fh], al
__common:0000000100018003 db 4Fh
__common:0000000100018003 and [rdi+4Fh], r10b
__common:0000000100018008 push rdx
__common:0000000100018009 and [r8], rsp
__common:000000010001800C db 40h, 46h, 43h
__common:000000010001800C xor r14d, [r14]
__common:0000000100018012 xor eax, 0A20h
What is this doing exactly? My RAX points here, but I don't understand anything about what the purpose of this is.
installed I can assemble and look at the hex dump like thisasm -c amd64 "sub [rdi+0x4F], al; .byte 0x4F; and [rdi+0x4F], r10b; push rdx; and [r8], rsp; .byte 0x40, 0x46, 0x43; xor r14d, [r14]; xor eax, 0xA20;" | hd