It is Called Relocation
Every Executable has a section called .reloc
this Section contains details about all addresses that needs to be patched if the imagebase changes
the loader uses this section to change all the modified base address
for example win7 x86 32 bit calc.exe
disassembly from cdb.exe (randomised image base )
002616a3 ff15f4132600 call dword ptr [calc!_imp__LoadStringW (002613f4)]
disassembly from dumpbin (default imagebase)
C:\>dumpbin /nologo c:\Windows\System32\calc.exe /disasm /range:0x10016A2,0x10016b1
010016A2: 50 push eax
010016A3: FF 15 F4 13 00 01 call dword ptr [__imp__LoadStringW@16]
if you look at the .reloca section you will notice a HIGHLOW entry for address
Offset(h) 00 01
000B9C00 00 10 ..
000B9C02 00 00 ..
000B9C04 B4 00 ´.
000B9C06 00 00 ..
000B9C08 41 36 A6
000B9C0A 52 36 R6
000B9C0C A5 36 ¥6 <<<<<
000B9C0E B3 36 ³6
so the loader can patch the address at RVA ( ImageBase + base of Section + address )
imagebase = 0x1000000 + base of section = 0x1000 + HIGHLOW address = 6a5
= 0x10016a5
at this address dumpbin has F4 13 00 01 whereas cdb has f4 13 26 00
the loader has patched it according to the image base
this post of mine has more details about what is patched
update wrt comment some exes dont have .reloc
yes it is entirely possible to have exes without reloc
infact there is a msvc linker switch /FIXED if passed produces exes without relocations
in most of the cases exes can survive without relocations because they are the first to be loaded in Process Address Space
so they tend to get their Preferred ImageBase always
Relocations matter most with Dlls especially those dlls that woud be Dynamically Loaded or loaded as a dependency to another dll
in this case clashes can happen and os needs a mechanism to relocate the binary in question
if windows cant relocate the dll it crashes the application with
C:\>cdb -c "!error c0000018;q" cdb | tail -n 3
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '!error c0000018;q'
Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000018 (3221225496) - {Conflicting Address Range} The specified address range conflicts with
the address space.