I load a reference elf that I cross-compiled for AArch64 into IDA Pro, idb2pat to generate a .pat which I then process through sigmake.
I then use the signature file (in the appropriate IDA Pro directory) to work on a commercial image, however it only identifies perhaps one or two functions (of many hundreds) even though I know the binary I am examining was built off the reference source that I used to build the reference elf that I generated a .pat (and then a signature for).
The commercial elf has all debug/compiler info stripped... pretty ruthlessly so I have to guess what gcc it was compiled with and then cross-compile the reference source using this guessed gcc version.
My question is how important is the compiler version when building an elf to generate signatures from? If I get the version incorrect will all my signatures simply fail to match the target binary I am working with?
Thanks for any help!