Currently I am trying to reverse engineer the following armeabi-v7a function:
I already wrote the following Java code:
static double getFunc(double param0, double param1, double param2, double param3) {
double r3, s7, s8, d4, d5, d6, d7, s10, s12, s13, s14, s15;
s14 = 100.0;
r3 = param3 - 0xAA;
s13 = param0;
s15 = param2;
s8 = 4.0;
s7 = param3;
s10 = 7.0;
s13 = s13 /s14;
if (param1 == 1) {
s13 = s15 *s13;
s15 = s13 * s8;
d4 = 0.22;
s10 = s15 / s10;
d5 = s10;
d4 = d5 * d4;
d5 = 0.6;
s12 = s7 / s14;
d5 = d4 * d5;
s10 = d5;
s12 = s10 + s12;
} else {
s15 = s15 * s13;
d6 = 0.34;
s15 = s15 * s8;
s10 = s15 / s10;
d5 = s10;
d5 = d5 * d6;
d6 = 0.45;
d6 = d5 * d6;
s15 = d6;
s12 = s7 / s14;
s12 = s15 + s12;
s14 = 10.0;
s14 = s12 * s14;
d6 = 0.5;
d7 = s14;
d7 = d7 + d6;
s14 = d7;
d6 = 10.0;
d7 = s14;
d7 = d7 / d6;
return d7;
Unfortunately, I don't get the correct result. I am doing something wrong but I am a little bit stuck.
It might be that I don't understand the parameter handling on the armeabi-v7a assembly. Do I get it right in the code? Is R3 the third parameter? Are R# always integer values or could it be also double values? Is the VCVT.F32.F64 important for the Java implementation? If yes, how do I handle them correctly? R0 is the return register?
It would be awesome if somebody could review my code.
edit: the dissassembly code as requested:
getFunc proc
VLDR S14, gvar_1318
CMP R1, #1h
VMOV S13, R0
VMOV S15, R2
VMOV.F32 S8, #4.000000E+00
VMOV.F32 S10, #7.000000E+00
VDIV.F32 S13, S13, S14
BNE loc 1294
VMUL.F32 S13, S15, S13
VMUL.F32 S15, S13, S8
VLDR D4, gvar_12F8
VDIV.F32 S10, S15, S10
VCVT.F64.F32 D5, S10
VCVT.F32.S32 S7, S7
VMUL.F64 D4, D5, D4
VLDR D5, gvar_1300
VDIV.F32 S12, S7, S14
VMUL.F64 D5, D4, D5
VCVT.F32.F64 S10, D5
VADD.F32 S12, S10, S12
B loc_12C4
VMUL.F32 S15, S15, S13
VLDR D6, gvar 1308
VMUL.F32 S15, S15, S8
VDIV.F32 S10, S15, S10
VCVT.F64.F32 D5, S10
VMUL.F64 D5, D5, D6
VLDR D6, gvar_1310
VMUL.F64 D6, D5, D6
VCVT.F32.S32 S7, S7
VCVT.F32.F64 S15, D6
VDIV.F32 S12, S7, S14
VADD.F32 S12, S15, S12
VMOV.F32 S14, #1.000000E+01
VMUL.F32 S14, S12, S14
VMOV.F64 D6, #5.000000E-01
VCVT.F64.F32 D7, S14
VADD.F64 D7, D7, D6
VCVT.S32.F64 S14, D7
VMOV.F64 D6, #1.000000E+01
VCVT.F64.S32 D7, S14
VDIV.F64 D7, D7, D6
VCVT.F32.F64 S15, D7
VMOV R0, S15
getFunc endp
LOAD.text:000012F2 db 0, BFh, AFh, F3h, 0, 80h
LOAD.text:000012F8 gvar_12F8 dq 3FCC28F5C28F5C29h
LOAD.text:00001300 gvar_1300 dq 3FE3333340000000h
LOAD.text:00001308 gvar_1308 dq 3FD5C28F5C28F5C3h
LOAD.text:00001310 gvar_1310 dq 3FDCCCCCC0000000h
LOAD.text:00001318 gvar_1318 dd 42C80000h
LOAD.text:0000131C db AFh, F3h, 0, 80h