- generally nothing in js is impossible to reverse
- in this case the 'alert' string in plain text give me a big help, because I simply started to resolve function value one step back at time.
- same thing for the setInterval, it was in plain Text
- This is near the same identical schema of obfuscation of a PDF virus, a JS that internally was doing massive click on a ad rotator; I never see another sample of this before... this is simply strange, I hope
- to kill the anti debug trap, simply overrife the debugger function or at first debugger pause, simply click 'disable breakpoint'. Note that this lead to a memory leak, a big memory leak, and Chrome protect itself by stopping recursion. To avoid this, when in pause see the stack call list, get the place when the anonimous function is called and overrie it to simply do nothing
Decode unicode. Use an online tool like this and you can got
var _0x1b0e=['RNBwL','ScKnC','BdjwA','gjKqY','NLCsj','3|2|1|5|0|4|6','iXTyC','constructor','call','Pvdko','ymXVL','uEdcI','I am obfuscated...','riWLD','click','addEventListener','Handler','bind','PwLbK','jYzDF','ndilm','AYDEt','stateObject','vIaGc','pZYix','yTHkP','NHTVJ','CRKBx','enNxX','I am still ','JEZNs',' hours a day obfuscated!','RBXnA','0|1|3|6|5|2|4','TlFHD','NIHXQ','bKETV','ZvwJA','jTRge','lwamn','xjQhJ','tZgNp','PEeVj','FwPPe','HyevS','ffbgA','uQzhD','hOThG','RDxue','zUlaT','qxKfp','7|0|6|4|8|1|5|2|3','kEOXz','hDbut','DEbtW','EWekr','string','uLpny','OKzxq','NUsPS','xQKWu','while (true) {}','YNeoc','counter','hlebj','vtlYy','FxZTK','pLTxF','GWIKo','MHAff','Vgchj','RVWUv','length','Yplhb','DhPfd','RYVOZ','IJelL','LEBxy','uopuc','JTcvT','emAWc','GNCRi','nnpzO','kFplL','UBabX','leugg','hgMkn','uwEeM','IsYwa','xvqSS','WBYyN','wYbEn','NVOhv','lrXaL','sCqTs','tlBST','QVIIo','RqrUk','oyxkA','UpIwZ','TADqK','KHgQl','lyfsc','LuNwu','xVbVv','OsXCq','ItQkC','uXiDn','QnQvl','GVxah','SofZe','VunRI','wnuof','fUBve','foyFv','DlhfN','7|4|1|0|2|5|8|3|6','lkihY','qOXDh','ErKPA','YtkOE','qwIQA','ywRts','CjQTl','WLHwy','apply','console','split','debug','warn','info','trace','log','error','exception','cBfic','FdtOi','xXeRs','oKaof','return (function() ','tbYvC','{}.constructor("return this")( )','IjtnV','JRoNn','mQiLi','OIhHz','function *\( *\)','Smwjb','\+\+ *(?:_0x(?:[a-f0-9]){4,6}|(?:\b|\d)[a-z0-9]{1,4}(?:\b|\d))','anVxw','init','PBXIl','DedOs','chain','oLLoP','input','PjnEZ','btVNP','zPhfG','WLdDf','Glpfp','IJdqv','WCdVE','gwVJU','IbJVG','ZHHTo','aNucS','cHacR','CEAKU','sSJyA','test','cgpWb','duVJu','zdtWo','PbmnJ','IQbBw','naiWO','QewNf','TpeaO','kDYZL','GJZry','YGCTR','ztBcC','lkDUw','RJjSU','LbegF','gxAQf','BToeI','LsOQW','HyNsS','hUvxa','FrcoK','xaYAI','dxdFC','glyis','fLiNQ','zgXtG','oLHYG','GOzNr','dJbqD','CyyGn','nAaFv','JTpMq','cyOzF','INWzx','wTsIO','EdBey','pfRVT','eOkUT','ophhQ','wuWdq','lPvac','rQIPK','vxJVR','rRYsV','qQKiS','debu','piAiF','gger','PnsCa','action','afbRz','HKuCd','eRGsq','BisqR','KdEkB','gMVsG','XEayW','LPtpl','ErVeQ','EEfQz','jKbtX','xCKWk','wfZEF','GgolG','sBRCc','yNhcf','jVPUr','jOCmP','DjMYX','6|4|7|5|2|0|3|8|1','bmgZk','UFuMD','vrpeE','MbsEY'];
Here you find the "I am still obsfuscated..." and the other string, but this is just the color of the flag, not the flah itself, because you asked 'how you showed it'.
I can point to the alert function near the bottom of the code, but it was too simple ....
The key for the work is the 2n function
var _0x2bb4 = function(_0x5c85d8, _0xdd28ab) {
_0x5c85d8 = _0x5c85d8 - 0x0;
var _0xda35ee = _0x1b0e[_0x5c85d8];
return _0xda35ee;
Wich can be simplified as
var _0x2bb4 = function(index) { return _0x1b0e[index] };
Then I replaced _0x1b0e
with string_array
, So I got
var _0x2bb4 = function(index) {
console.log (index, string_array[index]);
return string_array[index];
And replace every call to _0x2bb4(something) with their result.
.. at the end of the story ..
The first call is done at the end of the code where there is this code
_0x28a0fa[_0x2bb4('0xd2')] (
The if is a if ( 1 ) because is comparing two identical strings and the _0x28a0fa[_0x2bb4('0xde')]( arg1, arg2 )
is a simple
alert (_0x28a0fa["uwEeM"]);
where _0x28a0fa["uwEeM"]
is _0x2bb4('0x94')
that returns _0x1b0e[0x94]
that is exactly the string "I am still obfsuscated"
While the second time the alert is showed is thanks this
setInterval(function() {
var _0x3d8cab = {};
_0x3d8cab[_0x2bb4('0x91')] = function(_0x2383ea) {
return _0x2383ea();
}, 0xfa0);
setInterval(function() {
var _0x3d8cab = {};
_0x3d8cab["Pvdko"] = function(_0x2383ea) {
return _0x2383ea();
}, 0xfa0);
setInterval(function() {
what_to_call = function(_0x2383ea) {
return _0x2383ea();
}, 0xfa0);
setInterval(function() {
what_to_call = function(function_to_call) {
return function_to_call();
}, 0xfa0);
setInterval(function() {
}, 4000);
The function _0x58c724();
in defined in the code, you can simply search vy its name.
It's accepting an argument. and it's nead just few line before the previous alert code
if (_0x3f8146) {
if (_0x28a0fa[_0x2bb4('0xc8')](_0x28a0fa[_0x2bb4('0xe8')], _0x28a0fa[_0x2bb4('0xea')])) {
return ![];
} else {
return _0x3145db;